doesnt this command work?:

% madplay song.mp3
This page may help you:
Also I assume you have got the audio device itself working.
On 1/22/08, Pietro Gagliardi <pietro10@mac.com> wrote:
Okay, and now that I have madplay, how do I get it to output to my
speakers? I try

       madplay -q -o RAW:/dev/audio angelo.mp3
       madplay -q -o RAW:- angelo.mp3 > /dev/audio

with no success.

On Jan 22, 2008, at 4:18 AM, Kernel Panic wrote:

> Pietro Gagliardi wrote:
>> Hello. When I play any mp3 file with jukebox:
>>     mp3dec: suicide: sys: fp: division by zero fpc=0x0
>> status=0x8084  pc=0x00018d40
>> acid lstk() reports what is at /n/sources/contrib/pietro/
>> acid.out .  Does anyone know what's wrong? Thanks.
> mp3dec sucks... (doesnt work for me either) use madplay:
> http://plan9.cs.bell-labs.com/sources/contrib/uriel/mirror/
> nemo_madplay.tgz
> cinap