hi richard,

i tried various combinations:


(i tried combinations like with x8, x24, x32 (not x16 i think)). nothing seems to help. 1920x1200 looked like it turned the graphics mode on but then it crashed.

btw, what was your plan9.ini config? did it look like:

monitor=macbook (or xga?, sorry i am not sure about this)

and, since we are in VM, does the native resolution really matter? my thinking was, basically VM provides memory space and the graphics driver in guest OS thinks this is its frame buffer. when a draw happens, the guest OS's window gets updated. am i right or wrong?


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:39 AM, Richard Miller <9fans@hamnavoe.com> wrote:
> vgasize: 640x480x8, monitor: xga - this combo works
> vgasize: 1024x768x8, monitor: xga - this combo works
> i tried 1280x1024x8 and 1280x1024(?!). it seems to hang. no luck with vesa
> also.
> is anyone able to get any better resolution with vmware fusion in mac (or
> parallels for mac 4.0, if it works for plan9)?

Native resolution on new macbook works with fusion.  I added to /lib/vgadb:


If resolution 1280x1024x8 doesn't work for you, it's worth trying other depths
x16 x24 or x32.