hi richard,

thanks for the info. both 1280x768x8 and 1280x768x24 work for me. i am working on some (unrelated) issues, after which i will try more combinations.


On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Richard Miller <9fans@hamnavoe.com> wrote:
> btw, what was your plan9.ini config? did it look like:
> vgasize=1280x800
> monitor=macbook (or xga?, sorry i am not sure about this)

Before changing vgadb, I had success with:


> and, since we are in VM, does the native resolution really matter? my
> thinking was, basically VM provides memory space and the graphics driver in
> guest OS thinks this is its frame buffer. when a draw happens, the guest
> OS's window gets updated. am i right or wrong?

Sorry, I don't know the details.  When you're not running fullscreen, there
is obviously no real connection between the actual screen resolution and what
the vm is simulating.