Look into hinting and subpixel hinting modes of Freetype2.

For different people different combinations of modes (full, medium, slight, none for hinting; 0/1/2 for subpixel hinting) give optimal results.

Hinting is usually set via symlinks under /etc/fonts/conf.d/ to what's available under /etc/fonts/conf.avail. Subpixel hinting via environment variable FT2_SUBPIXEL_HINTING.

On 08/30/2016 05:08 PM, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
Sorry to post here; I've not been able to post the issue to plan9port on github.

after updating to ubuntu 16.04 (from 14.04), i see garbled fonts in sam/acme/9term, etc. it doesn't seem to matter if native or host fonts are used (via fontsrv). attached is what it looks like in acme.

i've been looking at p9p's devdraw and i'm suspecting something with Xlib calls has changed slightly.