On Sat May 15 19:18:57 EDT 2010, akumar@mail.nanosouffle.net wrote: > So, how to resolve this mess and finally install the > nupas package? It'd also be nice if somehow files > in /mail/lib and other places where installed without > hassle (though I'd like to keep some custom configs > there). first off, i'm sorry about the problems. i should have tested the nupas->nupas upgrade path more thoroughly. contrib isn't quite the right tool for a direct replacement. sometimes replica gets in its own way. usually when it gets confused, i remove /dist/replica/$x and /dist/replica/client/$x* and often remove any potentially conflicting files. i suppose it would be better to get replica to tell me about conflicts and use -s. i've attached the prototype for the files included in the replica perhaps this will help. you can get a full listing of what + expands to from a listing of /n/contrib/quanstro/root/... - erik