/* ping for ip v4 and v6 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "icmp.h" enum { MAXMSG = 32, SLEEPMS = 1000, SECOND = 1000000000LL, MINUTE = 60*SECOND, }; typedef struct Req Req; struct Req { ushort seq; /* sequence number */ vlong time; /* time sent */ vlong rtt; int ttl; int replied; Req *next; }; typedef struct { int version; char *net; int echocmd; int echoreply; unsigned iphdrsz; void (*prreply)(Req *r, void *v); void (*prlost)(ushort seq, void *v); } Proto; Req *first; /* request list */ Req *last; /* ... */ Lock listlock; char *argv0; int addresses; int debug; int done; int flood; int lostmsgs; int lostonly; int quiet; int rcvdmsgs; int rint; int nsecfd; ushort firstseq; vlong sum; int waittime = 5000; static char *network, *target; void lost(Req*, void*); void reply(Req*, void*); static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-6alq] [-s msgsize] [-i millisecs] [-n #pings] dest\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } static void catch(void *a, char *msg) { USED(a); if(strstr(msg, "alarm")) noted(NCONT); else if(strstr(msg, "die")) exits("errors"); else noted(NDFLT); } static void prlost4(ushort seq, void *v) { Ip4hdr *ip4 = v; print("lost %ud: %V -> %V\n", seq, ip4->src, ip4->dst); } static void prlost6(ushort seq, void *v) { Ip6hdr *ip6 = v; print("lost %ud: %I -> %I\n", seq, ip6->src, ip6->dst); } static void prreply4(Req *r, void *v) { Ip4hdr *ip4 = v; print("%ud: %V -> %V rtt %lld µs, avg rtt %lld µs, ttl = %d\n", r->seq - firstseq, ip4->src, ip4->dst, r->rtt, sum/rcvdmsgs, r->ttl); } static void prreply6(Req *r, void *v) { Ip6hdr *ip6 = v; print("%ud: %I -> %I rtt %lld µs, avg rtt %lld µs, ttl = %d\n", r->seq - firstseq, ip6->src, ip6->dst, r->rtt, sum/rcvdmsgs, r->ttl); } static Proto v4pr = { 4, "icmp", EchoRequest, EchoReply, IPV4HDR_LEN, prreply4, prlost4, }; static Proto v6pr = { 6, "icmpv6", EchoRequestV6, EchoReplyV6, IPV6HDR_LEN, prreply6, prlost6, }; static Proto *proto = &v4pr; Icmphdr * geticmp(void *v) { char *p = v; return (Icmphdr *)(p + proto->iphdrsz); } void clean(ushort seq, vlong now, void *v) { int ttl; Req **l, *r, *rlost, **rr; ttl = 0; if (v) { if (proto->version == 4) ttl = ((Ip4hdr *)v)->ttl; else ttl = ((Ip6hdr *)v)->ttl; } rlost = nil; rr = &rlost; lock(&listlock); last = nil; for(l = &first; *l; ){ r = *l; if(v && r->seq == seq){ r->rtt = now-r->time; r->ttl = ttl; reply(r, v); } if(now-r->time >= MINUTE){ *l = r->next; r->next = nil; *rr = r; rr = &(*rr)->next; }else{ last = r; l = &r->next; } } unlock(&listlock); for(; (r = rlost) != nil;){ rlost = rlost->next; r->rtt = now-r->time; if(v) r->ttl = ttl; if(r->replied == 0) lost(r, v); free(r); } } static uchar loopbacknet[IPaddrlen] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 127, 0, 0, 0 }; static uchar loopbackmask[IPaddrlen] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0, 0, 0 }; /* * find first ip addr suitable for proto and * that isn't the friggin loopback address. * deprecate link-local and multicast addresses. */ static int myipvnaddr(uchar *ip, Proto *proto, char *net) { int ipisv4, wantv4; Ipifc *nifc; Iplifc *lifc; uchar mynet[IPaddrlen], linklocal[IPaddrlen]; static Ipifc *ifc; ipmove(linklocal, IPnoaddr); wantv4 = proto->version == 4; ifc = readipifc(net, ifc, -1); for(nifc = ifc; nifc; nifc = nifc->next) for(lifc = nifc->lifc; lifc; lifc = lifc->next){ maskip(lifc->ip, loopbackmask, mynet); if(ipcmp(mynet, loopbacknet) == 0) continue; if(ISIPV6MCAST(lifc->ip) || ISIPV6LINKLOCAL(lifc->ip)) { ipmove(linklocal, lifc->ip); continue; } ipisv4 = isv4(lifc->ip) != 0; if(ipcmp(lifc->ip, IPnoaddr) != 0 && wantv4 == ipisv4){ ipmove(ip, lifc->ip); return 0; } } /* no global unicast addrs found, fall back to link-local, if any */ ipmove(ip, linklocal); return ipcmp(ip, IPnoaddr) == 0? -1: 0; } void sender(int fd, int msglen, int interval, int n) { int i, extra; ushort seq; char buf[64*1024+512]; uchar me[IPaddrlen], mev4[IPv4addrlen]; Icmphdr *icmp; Req *r; srand(time(0)); firstseq = seq = rand(); icmp = geticmp(buf); memset(buf, 0, proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE); for(i = proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE; i < msglen; i++) buf[i] = i; icmp->type = proto->echocmd; icmp->code = 0; /* arguably the kernel should fill in the right src addr. */ myipvnaddr(me, proto, network); if (proto->version == 4) { v6tov4(mev4, me); memmove(((Ip4hdr *)buf)->src, mev4, IPv4addrlen); } else ipmove(((Ip6hdr *)buf)->src, me); if (addresses) print("\t%I -> %s\n", me, target); if(rint != 0 && interval <= 0) rint = 0; extra = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if(i != 0){ if(rint != 0) extra = nrand(interval); sleep(interval + extra); } r = malloc(sizeof *r); if (r == nil) continue; hnputs(icmp->seq, seq); r->seq = seq; r->next = nil; r->replied = 0; // nsecfd = bintime(nsecfd, &r->time, nil, nil); /* avoid early free in reply! */ r->time = 1ull<<62; lock(&listlock); if(first == nil) first = r; else last->next = r; last = r; unlock(&listlock); nsecfd = bintime(nsecfd, &r->time, nil, nil); if(write(fd, buf, msglen) < msglen){ fprint(2, "%s: write failed: %r\n", argv0); return; } seq++; } done = 1; } void rcvr(int fd, int msglen, int interval, int nmsg) { int i, n, munged; ushort x; vlong now; uchar buf[64*1024+512]; Icmphdr *icmp; Req *r; sum = 0; while(lostmsgs+rcvdmsgs < nmsg){ alarm((nmsg-lostmsgs-rcvdmsgs)*interval+waittime); // alarm(interval+waittime); n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf); alarm(0); nsecfd = bintime(nsecfd, &now, nil, nil); if(n <= 0){ /* read interrupted - time to go */ clean(0, now+MINUTE, nil); continue; } if(n < msglen){ print("bad len %d/%d\n", n, msglen); continue; } icmp = geticmp(buf); munged = 0; for(i = proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE; i < msglen; i++) if(buf[i] != (uchar)i) munged++; if(munged) print("corrupted reply\n"); x = nhgets(icmp->seq); if(icmp->type != proto->echoreply || icmp->code != 0) { print("bad type/code/sequence %d/%d/%d (want %d/%d/%d)\n", icmp->type, icmp->code, x, proto->echoreply, 0, x); continue; } clean(x, now, buf); } lock(&listlock); for(r = first; r; r = r->next) if(r->replied == 0) lostmsgs++; unlock(&listlock); if(!quiet && lostmsgs) print("%d out of %d messages lost\n", lostmsgs, lostmsgs+rcvdmsgs); } static int isdottedquad(char *name) { int dot = 0, digit = 0; for (; *name != '\0'; name++) if (*name == '.') dot++; else if (isdigit(*name)) digit++; else return 0; return dot && digit; } static int isv6lit(char *name) { int colon = 0, hex = 0; for (; *name != '\0'; name++) if (*name == ':') colon++; else if (isxdigit(*name)) hex++; else return 0; return colon; } char* nametoip(char *cs, char *name, int *ipver) { int n,fd; char buf[128], ip6[128], ip4[128], *p, *addr, *ip; ip6[0] = 0; ip4[0] = 0; if(isdottedquad(name)){ snprint(ip4, sizeof ip4, "%s", name); goto match; } if(isv6lit(name)){ snprint(ip6, sizeof ip6, "%s", name); goto match; } if(cs == nil) cs = "/net/cs"; fd = open(cs, ORDWR); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("cannot open %s: %r", cs); addr = smprint("tcp!%s!1", name); if(write(fd, addr, strlen(addr)) != strlen(addr)){ close(fd); sysfatal("cannot write %s to%s: %r", addr, cs); } free(addr); seek(fd, 0, 0); while((n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) > 0){ buf[n] = 0; ip = strchr(buf,' '); ip++; p = strchr(ip,'!'); *p = 0; if(isdottedquad(ip)){ if(ip4[0] == 0) snprint(ip4, sizeof ip4, "%s", ip); }else if(isv6lit(ip)){ if(ip6[0] == 0) snprint(ip6, sizeof ip6, "%s", ip); } } close(fd); match: if((*ipver == 4 || *ipver == -1) && ip4[0] != 0){ *ipver = 4; return strdup(ip4); }else if((*ipver == 6 || *ipver == -1) && ip6[0] != 0){ *ipver = 6; return strdup(ip6); }else if(*ipver == 6 && ip4[0] != 0) return strdup(ip4); else if(ip4[0] != 0 || ip6[0] != 0) werrstr("address %s does not match proto %d", ip4[0]? ip4: ip6, *ipver); *ipver = -1; return nil; } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int fd, msglen, interval, nmsg, ipver; char *ds; nsecfd = bintime(-1, nil, nil, nil); fmtinstall('V', eipfmt); fmtinstall('I', eipfmt); msglen = interval = 0; nmsg = MAXMSG; ipver = -1; ARGBEGIN { case '4': case '6': ipver = ARGC() - '0'; break; case 'a': addresses = 1; break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'f': flood = 1; break; case 'i': interval = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if(interval < 0) usage(); break; case 'l': lostonly++; break; case 'n': nmsg = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if(nmsg < 0) usage(); break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case 'r': rint = 1; break; case 's': msglen = atoi(EARGF(usage())); break; case 'w': waittime = atoi(EARGF(usage())); if(waittime < 0) usage(); break; default: usage(); break; } ARGEND; if(msglen < proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE) msglen = proto->iphdrsz + ICMP_HDRSIZE; if(msglen < 64) msglen = 64; if(msglen >= 64*1024) msglen = 64*1024-1; if(interval <= 0 && !flood) interval = SLEEPMS; if(argc < 1) usage(); notify(catch); target = nametoip(nil, argv[0], &ipver); if(target == nil) sysfatal("%s: nametoip: %r", argv0); proto = ipver==4? &v4pr: &v6pr; ds = netmkaddr(target, proto->net, "1"); fd = dial(ds, 0, 0, 0); if(fd < 0){ fprint(2, "%s: couldn't dial %s: %r\n", argv0, ds); exits("dialing"); } if (!quiet) print("sending %d %d byte messages %d ms apart to %s\n", nmsg, msglen, interval, ds); switch(rfork(RFPROC|RFMEM|RFFDG)){ case -1: sysfatal("%s: can't fork: %r\n", argv0); case 0: rcvr(fd, msglen, interval, nmsg); exits(0); default: sender(fd, msglen, interval, nmsg); wait(); exits(lostmsgs ? "lost messages" : ""); } } void reply(Req *r, void *v) { r->rtt /= 1000LL; sum += r->rtt; if(!r->replied) rcvdmsgs++; if(!quiet && !lostonly) if(addresses) (*proto->prreply)(r, v); else print("%ud: rtt %lld µs, avg rtt %lld µs, ttl = %d\n", r->seq - firstseq, r->rtt, sum/rcvdmsgs, r->ttl); r->replied = 1; } void lost(Req *r, void *v) { if(!quiet) if(addresses && v != nil) (*proto->prlost)(r->seq - firstseq, v); else print("lost %ud\n", r->seq - firstseq); lostmsgs++; }