You had two problems: 1) 9load told you Unknown boot device: sd00!9fat!9pcf i.e., it wasn't seeing the 9fat partition. 2) your booted kernel could not start from the partition root is from (tcp, il, local)[local!#S/sd00/fossil]: user[none]: glenda sd53c8xx: bios scntl3(00) stest2(00) boot: can't connect to file server: '#S/sd00/fossil' does not exist All I suggested was that you boot 9pcf off of the net, connect to a root file system on another machine, and then start from there to debug your problem, i.e., see if you could then see '#S/sd00/fossil' etc. You clearly did all the nice booting as your carets indicate: boot from: ether0!/386/9pcdisk.gz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ note network boot ... root is from (tcp, il, local)[local!#S/sd00/fossil]: il ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ and network FS However you never got to the important part, i.e., to figure out why 9pcf couldn't see your disk. Why did you boot 9pcdisk instead of a 9pcf? We need to find out why 9pcf won't find your disk. Booting a kernel you already know works won't get you anywhere closer to the problem. You need to get a 9pcf working on your machine and then start trying to figure out what is wrong.