Finally got around to preparing patches, which should apply cleanly on top of 9front mothra. However: > 3.) implement -b flag for dark mode, white-on-black text.[2] > a.) similar to rio -b, and vt -b. > 1.) users are free to implement any desired > schemes beyond default and -b by configuring > the included .c files. I didn't see this change in the tarballs. There just seemed to be two different mothras, one with black and one with white schemes. Patches attached: font.patch: Change font back to original. panel.patch: Reduce drawing clutter from libpanel monochrome.patch; Make the color scheme monochrome (all-white) plumb.patch: add plumber TODO: - Make libpanel render a bit more in the style of rio and everything else. - Merge in a version of mothra with -b, if I get it.