i am sending a new diff, again. i apologise for sending 4 different diffs for this, i definitely should have checked my diff better... > 1. don't reject protocol versions that is higher than 0x03ff. > this behavior is useless. it is if it's checking the clienthello/serverhello version, but not if we're checking the record layer version! it might accept non-TLS data if it doesn't check `major version == 0x03`. add that behavior back for devtls. also, 2 more problems i saw in version negotiation code: 1. when setVersion fails, code sends a "illegal_parameter" alert but "protocol_version" is more suitable and the standard way for this. send "protocol_version" instead. 2. tlsClient2 should abort if the server sends a version higher than `c->version`. fix up. the new (and last) diff is attached.