Today people asked me to resubmit the zlib patches that I had sent months ago due to netsurf/nsfb. I actually had things working and clean on my system since back then, but I was confused between a decision of sending the build "half-broken" but with the final result working, or triggering a flag up that I didn't know if it should or not, after looking up, it seems the cleaner route is just to do the latter. the newer zlib uses lseek/open/write, functions specified in , but it actually doesn't include the header when building some of the .$O, what happened it was just that our linker would spot the functions even after the compiler warning due to the lax prototypeless functions in ANSI C std and build it fine. (the -B flag on 2c would do it) the option I'm going here is just to make it include , that requires anything that uses ape/zlib to define _POSIX_SOURCE, all tests I've done points out it is working fine, page works, the zlib tests passes and netsurf png decoding work as always with it.