A daemon has been corrupted by the Commodore 64 in 9front city! [lildev_corrupted.png] Start the color picker... HEY! Build the color picker: https://git.sr.ht/~amavect/makeu https://git.sr.ht/~amavect/pal https://git.sr.ht/~amavect/whiteboardfs and off to the rescue! Prepare the dryerase client, select the color red, and make the rescue! [lildev_fixed.png] The new collaborative drawing collection from 9front city! whiteboardfs(4) is a collaborative drawing file server. dryerase(1) is a client for whiteboardfs, updating with any live changes. makeu(1) is a color picker. pal(1) is a color palette. You can run whiteboardfs locally by doing: whiteboardfs dryerase -c /mnt/whiteboard/canvas.bit can also be used with page(1) and paint(1). There is a public whiteboardfs instance: srv tcp!!2020 amaboard /mnt/whiteboard It can be slow to load over long distances. To try out pal(1) with dryerase(1): Comment out the execl call in for makeu in whiteboardfs/dryerase.c Uncomment the execl for pal. I would have saved this for iwp9, but that's too far away now. Please send bugs, crashes, and patches. Thanks, Amavect