* [9front] Fwd: mclock
[not found] <3E00E04E3412D5B6230ADFB5ABF356DD@me.com>
@ 2024-12-28 4:21 ` ron minnich
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From: ron minnich @ 2024-12-28 4:21 UTC (permalink / raw)
To: 9front, John DeGood
[-- Attachment #1.1: Type: text/plain, Size: 1138 bytes --]
Dear 9front, here is John Degood's Mickey Mouse Clock port for Plan 9,
first written by a long-forgotten student at UDEL almost 50 years ago --
you got that right Five Oh -- translated to other languages over the years,
sitting in a basement in a listing printed on a line printer, almost lost
to history. It works on all 9 variants, because John did an excellent job
on the port.
I just built it and tested it on 9front and it works just fine.
I'm hoping it can have a home on 9front. This code came from the Harvey
There's a bit of pretty funny history here, but, basically, Prof Robinson
was not a big fan of using CDC7600 supercomputers with Plato terminals for
education. He called it a very mickey mouse idea. He then asked a
student (Ed Clark maybe?) to write a mickey mouse clock in Basic (on
RSTS-11e) to display on a tektronix green screen terminal.
John can tell more, but I believe he ported it to fortran(?) to display on
an HP 2640 (?) terminal.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <rminnich@me.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 8:12 PM
Subject: mclock
To: <rminnich@gmail.com>
[-- Attachment #1.2: Type: text/html, Size: 1491 bytes --]
[-- Attachment #2: mclock.c --]
[-- Type: text/x-c-code, Size: 9056 bytes --]
* mclock.c - graphical clock for Plan 9 using draw(2) API
* Graphical image is based on a clock program for Tektronix vector
* graphics displays written in PDP-11 BASIC by Dave Robinson at the
* University of Delaware in the 1970s.
* 071218 - initial release
* 071223 - fix window label, fix redraw after hide, add tongue
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include <draw.h>
#include <event.h>
int anghr, angmin, dia, offx, offy;
Image *dots, *back, *blk, *wht, *red, *org, *flesh;
Tm *mtime;
enum {DBIG=600,
/* hair is head[0..41*2], face is head[27*2..56*2] */
int head[] = {286,386,263,410,243,417,230,415,234,426,227,443,210,450,190,448,
int mouth[] = {235,305,233,297,235,285,243,280,250,282,252,288,248,290,235,305};
int mouth1[] = {240,310,235,305,226,306};
int mouth2[] = {257,287,248,290};
int tongue[] = {235,285,243,280,246,281,247,286,245,289,241,291,237,294,233,294,
int tongue1[] = {241,291,241,286};
int shirt[] = {200,302,192,280,176,256,170,247,186,230,210,222,225,226,237,235,
int pants[] = {199,164,203,159,202,143,189,138,172,135,160,137,160,166,151,170,
int eyel[] = {294,327,296,335,293,345,285,345,280,337,281,325,284,320,294,327};
int eyer[] = {275,320,278,337,275,345,268,344,260,333,260,323,264,316,275,320};
int pupill[] = {284,320,294,327,293,329,291,333,289,333,286,331,284,325,284,320};
int pupilr[] = {265,316,275,320,275,325,273,330,271,332,269,333,267,331,265,327,
int nose[] = {285,308,288,302,294,301,298,301,302,303,305,305,308,308,309,310,
int nose1[] = {275,313,280,317,286,319};
int buttonl[] = {201,210,194,208,190,196,191,187,199,188,208,200,201,210};
int buttonr[] = {224,213,221,209,221,197,228,191,232,200,230,211,224,213};
int tail[] = {40,80,50,76,66,79,90,102,106,151,128,173,145,180};
int cuffl[] = {202,143,197,148,188,150,160,137};
int cuffr[] = {243,153,233,154,217,145};
int legl[] = {239,153,244,134,243,96,229,98,231,130,226,150,233,154,239,153};
int legr[] = {188,150,187,122,182,92,168,91,172,122,173,143,188,150};
int shoel[] = {230,109,223,107,223,98,228,90,231,76,252,70,278,73,288,82,
int shoel1[] = {223,98,229,98,243,96,251,100};
int shoel2[] = {271,99,248,89};
int shoer[] = {170,102,160,100,160,92,163,85,157,82,160,73,178,66,215,63,
int shoer1[] = {160,92,168,91,182,92,186,93};
int shoer2[] = {195,93,182,83};
int tick1[] = {302,432,310,446};
int tick2[] = {370,365,384,371};
int tick3[] = {395,270,410,270};
int tick4[] = {370,180,384,173};
int tick5[] = {302,113,310,100};
int tick7[] = {119,113,110,100};
int tick8[] = {40,173,52,180};
int tick9[] = {10,270,25,270};
int tick10[] = {40,371,52,365};
int tick11[] = {110,446,119,432};
int tick12[] = {210,455,210,470};
int armh[] = {-8,0,9,30,10,70,8,100,20,101,23,80,22,30,4,-5};
int armm[] = {-8,0,10,80,8,130,22,134,25,80,4,-5};
int handm[] = {8,140,5,129,8,130,22,134,30,137,27,143,33,163,30,168,
int handm1[] = {0,154,5,167};
int handm2[] = {14,167,12,158,10,152};
int handm3[] = {12,158,18,152,21,166};
int handm4[] = {20,156,29,151};
int handh[] = {20,130,15,135,6,129,4,155,-4,155,-6,127,-8,121,4,108,
int handh1[] = {20,130,16,118};
xlate(int* in, Point* out, int np)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
out[i].x = offx + (dia * (in[2*i]) + 210) / 420;
out[i].y = offy + (dia * (480 - in[2*i+1]) + 210) / 420;
myfill(int* p, int np, Image* color)
Point* out;
out = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
xlate(p, out, np);
fillpoly(screen, out, np, ~0, color, ZP);
mypoly(int* p, int np, Image* color)
Point* out;
out = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
xlate(p, out, np);
poly(screen, out, np, Enddisc, Enddisc, dia>DBIG?1:0, color, ZP);
arm(int* p, Point* out, int np, double angle)
int i;
double cosp, sinp;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
cosp = cos(PI * angle / 180.0);
sinp = sin(PI * angle / 180.0);
out[i].x = p[2*i] * cosp + p[2*i+1] * sinp + 210.5;
out[i].y = p[2*i+1] * cosp - p[2*i] * sinp + 270.5;
polyarm(int *p, int np, Image *color, double angle)
Point *tmp, *out;
tmp = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
out = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
arm(p, tmp, np, angle);
xlate((int*)tmp, out, np);
poly(screen, out, np, Enddisc, Enddisc, dia>DBIG?1:0, color, ZP);
fillarm(int *p, int np, Image *color, double angle)
Point *tmp, *out;
tmp = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
out = (Point *)malloc(sizeof(Point) * np);
arm(p, tmp, np, angle);
xlate((int*)tmp, out, np);
fillpoly(screen, out, np, ~0, color, ZP);
/* arms */
fillarm(armh, 8, blk, anghr);
fillarm(armm, 6, blk, angmin);
/* hour hand */
fillarm(handh, 16, wht, anghr);
polyarm(handh, 16, blk, anghr);
polyarm(handh1, 2, blk, anghr);
/* minute hand */
fillarm(handm, 18, wht, angmin);
polyarm(handm, 18, blk, angmin);
polyarm(handm1, 2, blk, angmin);
polyarm(handm2, 3, blk, angmin);
polyarm(handm3, 3, blk, angmin);
polyarm(handm4, 2, blk, angmin);
redraw(Image *screen)
anghr = mtime->hour*30 + mtime->min/2;
angmin = mtime->min*6;
dia = Dx(screen->r) < Dy(screen->r) ? Dx(screen->r) : Dy(screen->r);
offx = screen->r.min.x + (Dx(screen->r) - dia) / 2;
offy = screen->r.min.y + (Dy(screen->r) - dia) / 2;
draw(screen, screen->r, back, nil, ZP);
/* first draw the filled areas */
myfill(head, 42, blk); /* hair */
myfill(&head[27*2], 29, flesh); /* face */
myfill(mouth, 8, blk);
myfill(tongue, 9, red);
myfill(shirt, 10, blk);
myfill(pants, 26, red);
myfill(buttonl, 7, wht);
myfill(buttonr, 7, wht);
myfill(eyel, 8, wht);
myfill(eyer, 8, wht);
myfill(pupill, 8, blk);
myfill(pupilr, 9, blk);
myfill(nose, 18, blk);
myfill(shoel, 13, org);
myfill(shoer, 16, org);
myfill(legl, 8, blk);
myfill(legr, 7, blk);
/* outline the color-filled areas */
mypoly(&head[27*2], 29, blk); /* face */
mypoly(tongue, 9, blk);
mypoly(pants, 26, blk);
mypoly(buttonl, 7, blk);
mypoly(buttonr, 7, blk);
mypoly(eyel, 8, blk);
mypoly(eyer, 8, blk);
mypoly(shoel, 13, blk);
mypoly(shoer, 16, blk);
/* draw the details */
mypoly(nose1, 3, blk);
mypoly(mouth1, 3, blk);
mypoly(mouth2, 2, blk);
mypoly(tongue1, 2, blk);
mypoly(tail, 7, blk);
mypoly(cuffl, 4, blk);
mypoly(cuffr, 3, blk);
mypoly(shoel1, 4, blk);
mypoly(shoel2, 2, blk);
mypoly(shoer1, 4, blk);
mypoly(shoer2, 2, blk);
mypoly(tick1, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick2, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick3, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick4, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick5, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick7, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick8, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick9, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick10, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick11, 2, dots);
mypoly(tick12, 2, dots);
flushimage(display, 1);
eresized(int new)
if(new && getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0)
fprint(2,"can't reattach to window");
Event e;
Mouse m;
Menu menu;
char *mstr[] = {"exit", 0};
int key, timer, oldmin;
back = allocimagemix(display, DPalebluegreen, DWhite);
dots = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, DBlue);
blk = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, DBlack);
wht = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, DWhite);
red = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, DRed);
org = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, XDarkOrange);
flesh = allocimage(display, Rect(0,0,1,1), CMAP8, 1, Xwheat);
mtime = localtime(time(0));
timer = etimer(0, 30*1000);
menu.item = mstr;
menu.lasthit = 0;
for(;;) {
key = event(&e);
if(key == Emouse) {
m = e.mouse;
if(m.buttons & 4) {
if(emenuhit(3, &m, &menu) == 0)
} else if(key == timer) {
oldmin = mtime->min;
mtime = localtime(time(0));
if(mtime->min != oldmin) redraw(screen);
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2024-12-28 4:21 ` [9front] Fwd: mclock ron minnich
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