Hi everyone, I would like to set up a web server and have found two solutions that come directly with the system: rc-httpd (with werc) and httpd. My preference would be httpd, however I can't find any documentation for it apart from the man page and unfortunately I don't know what exactly is expected in the web root. Is it possible to put static html pages directly in it, or is a cgi expected? Is there perhaps a simple example that I missed in my search on the wiki, fqa and via search engine? I haven't quite figured out namespaces yet either, but the default configuration under /lib/namespace.httpd doesn't look to me like it would be usable without customization. (This is probably me, but I can't place "/usr/mike/www" "/n/emelieother" and "/srv/alice" or find the users and directories in my base system). What would be the minimum namespace configuration needed to display a static page? The namespace concept makes it safe to run both a web server and a mail server on one physical device, right? Thank you very much in advance for advice!