alternative attach names are a great idea for administating a fileserver... you can kick of dumps or halt the filesystem with a ctl file... way better than a ctl pipe and also provides a back channel with proper perm checking... i see no problem in providing filsystem command for renaming/moving files between directories there too... it is just impossible to make use of this from mv because of the mount/bind indirections/multiple filesystems per server ect. you cant figure out if the ctl file you have really belongs to that file system of the file you are refering to or figure out the attach name of the filesystem of any random file... there might be a exportfs in between ect... the only proper way to implement inter directory renames accessible from mv command is with a 9p protocol change. maybe we can live with a special fscmd and let the user figure out the right filsys name and path? we can make the command format and naming compatible so it works consistently with kfs, cwfs and kenfs. -- cinap