すみません、あの冗談は私の考えでした… 日本語を勉強していますから、日本語で書いて見ます。 私の悪い日本語をお許しください! Sorry, this joke was my idea. Since I'm learning Japanese, I will try to write in Japanese. Please excuse my bad Japanese! >> cinap さいなぶ 祭名部 > > I thought your name as さいなぷ, my mistake. 「ぷ」の方は良いですけど、「ぷ」と読む漢字はありません。 冗談抜き「サイナップ」でしょう? ぷ would be better but there is no kanji for ぷ. To be serious, maybe it's actually サイナップ? > <祭名部> You are leader of festival section? > >> hiro ひろう 火竜 卑陋 > > I thought your name as ひろ, my mistake. 「ヒロ」や「ヒーロ」はもう正確でしょう、でも「ひろう」の読み方はもう面白いと思いました。 それでも、「火嚕」は相応しそうです… (ヒロくんは是非元気に喋ります) ヒロ or ヒーロ is probably more accurate, but I thought ひろう has funnier readings :) Although 火嚕 (fire + verbose) seems quite fitting as well.... (Hiro-kun certainly talks energetically) aiju > > > By tyhe way, abaco or mothra runs very quick on rpi3. > Yes, it's usable! > > On the usb mouse problem, I can select a mouse, then it's not so hard > if we know how to avoid it. > > My main request to pi3 is using wifi on this device. > Is it difficult? > > Kenji >