> うわぁー、参った > aijuさんは日本語が出来るんだ > > I'm much much surprized! > aiju can write Japanese in such excelent manner, Thank you for your kind words!! > May be anyone don't care the last 'b' for 'p', > because it's has no accent (am I right?). It's close enough. > しかし卑陋には良い意味がありませんので、わざわざこう書くと > 自分を卑下してる様に見えますね > > However, there is no good meaning in 卑陋. > If you use it as your name, you may be thought as using blackhumor > to yourself. Yes, that's the joke. It's self-deprecating humour. (I told hiro what it means) > > I learned german at university, because I'd like to read > Schubert's songs by the original language, what sound? etc. > However, I forgot everything it now... Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache. aiju