> Mentioned on grid, but this has 2 issues for me: > First, it looks like the patch somehow had a space > appended to each line; needed a: > > ,s/ $//g > > in order to apply. > > Second, smtp fails to build after a 'mk nuke'; it > looks like we somehow fail to rebuild a y.tab.h. > Weirdly, 'mk clean' fixes it for me. > > Also, noting the sed hacks in the mkfile to get > two parsers: our yacc should grow a '%prefix' > Let's do this again. Description: upas: mkfile cleanup (thanks Amavect) Changeset 8035 broke the libcommon rule in mkupas. Deleting the 'mk clean' in the recipe fixes this. Fixed smtp's build after mk nuke. smtp/mkfile overrode the nuke rule, but it forgot to delete rfc822.tab.c smtp/y.tab.h would not get rebuilt because it was not specified as a dependency. Added the -s flag to rename y.tab.h to rfc822.tab.h requiring all includes to be changed. This allows rfc822.tab.h to be specified without conflict with the y.tab.h rule from