H_u_g-e N'e+w+s To Imp'act C_Y-T*V
Ch'ina Yo.uTV C o'r p+.
Symbo,l: C'Y+T_V
We h*a+v e alrea dy s e+e_n CY'TV's m,arket im*pact befor e cl imb'ing to o v_e r $_2.00 w,i-t+h n'e'w*s .
Pre*ss Release.:
Ch,ina You.TV's Cn_Boo W'e'b S-i,t,e Rank,s N-o,. 1 on Mic-r_osoft L.i'v'e Sear*ch En-gine
Cn-Boo Traf'fic Increa* ses 4-9,% O+v,e_r T-w o Mont hs
R_e+a_d t h+e n+ews, th'ink abou't t'h'e imp,act, and
j,u_m+p on t-h*i's f.irst thi*ng Tom-or,row mor.-ning! $ _0.42 is a g i'f_t at t-h-i's price-..-...
Do y_o'u,r h'omew,ork a+n*d wat+ch t*h*i_s tr ade Mo'nday mo*rning.
T.e-l l me w-h*a*t he w'a's l_i.k.e as a b*o'y'.
F-o*r Ga.ndalf t-o,o.k t h*e ho,rse t*h*a+t is calle-d Sha*dow,fax, t-h+e m.o,s.t p,reci+ous of a*l-l t-h+e king',s stee+ds, c*hief of t h'e M.earas, w+hich o,n l.y t,h-e L*o'r.d of t_h_e M*a r k m+a*y r-i,d e-.
T+h_e nu.mber of cha_racte'rs to s,elect.
T.h_e resp-ons.e to t-h-i s r equest g*o,e s to t_h-e or ,iginal requ,est*er w+ithout a-n.y indica.t'ion t h a't it d,i+d n*o't c.o+m'e f+r_o.m y+o*u_r serv-er.
Of*fset 4 (Fil-e Pa*ges) ho_lds t+h+e s_i_z'e of t'h.e f'i l+e divid-ed by 5+1-2 , round,ed up.