Hello ML, I try to compile ocaml-3.06 and I get an error when I type ./configure! My linux box won’t find the library labltk! But where can I find that library? Here is I part of my ./configure output: Threads library supported (using bytecode-level scheduling). X11 not found, the "graph" library will not be supported. NDBM not found, the "dbm" library will not be supported. Configuring LablTk... X11 not found. Configuration failed, LablTk will not be built. ** Configuration summary ** Directories where Objective Caml will be installed: binaries.................. /usr/local/bin standard library.......... /usr/local/lib/ocaml manual pages.............. /usr/local/man (with extension .1) Configuration for the bytecode compiler: C compiler used........... gcc options for compiling..... -fno-defer-pop -Wall -Wno-unused -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 options for linking....... -Wl,-E -lm -ldl shared libraries are supported options for compiling..... -fPIC -fno-defer-pop -Wall -Wno-unused -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 command for building...... gcc -shared -o lib.so -Wl,-rpath,/a/path objs Configuration for the native-code compiler: hardware architecture..... i386 OS variant................ linux_elf C compiler used........... gcc options for compiling..... -Wall -Wno-unused -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 options for linking....... -lm assembler ................ $(AS) preprocessed assembler ... gcc -c -DSYS_$(SYSTEM) profiling with gprof ..... supported ocamlopt -pack ........... supported Source-level replay debugger: supported Additional libraries supported: unix str num dynlink bigarray threads Configuration for the "num" library: target architecture ...... x86 Configuration for the "graph" library: options for compiling .... options for linking ...... not found The "labltk" library: not found