T-h+i_s Tues'day i.t+s C-YTV!!!
G'e.t on C Y.T.V F.irst Th ing on TU-ESDA Y, i t '+s goin'g to expload !
Compan y': C,HINA Y*OUTV C O R_P ( O T.C B.B :CYTV.OB)
Symb+ol: C*Y T,V
Curre'nt Price_: $'0+. 4,6
Mond.ay Mo-ve: (.U.p Over(12..20 %)
T.h e pr+ice is at a mini+mum it w.i*l'l b*o*o*m on T'uesday!
R_ecomm-endation: "STRONG-.-BUY" sta-rtin*g on Tue,sday', AUGU+ST 1*4+, 2+0+0 6,.
B*,reaking N*e_w.s*:
Chin+a You,TV's CnB*oo W'e-b S_i_t'e Ran+ks N o+.*1 on Micro.s oft L.i-v-e Sea*rch Engin'e
Agg-r esive Trad*ers
G e+t in e-arly, t'h*i_s o,n_e c.a+n f.l.i p h*i+g+h r+eturns f+a+s+t-.
T.h.e p ressur,e to do t,h i's is ma+intaine.d by as,se'rting t-h,a+t r*o t_e memoris_in,g "know_l.edge" i'ndi*cates mor+al a*n'd in,te'llectual s_uperior-ity, a+n-d n-o-t so doin g in dicate-s m-oral a.n,d intellectu+,al inferior',ity.
Sinc e y'o.u so-und s.o.r.t of b_itter abo.ut t+h*e document_ation., mayb.e y+o-u s+hould writ_e, const*ruc-tively, abou-t w,h_a+t y*ou'd l+i+k_e to s,e+e changed'.
A con tainin.g a stan 'dard s e t of v alid valu,es, or if t'h_e d.a.t'a t y*p,e d_o*e*s n,o*t suppor-t a st+an+dard s-e_t of val*ues.
To t.h+' palac+e, an it l i_k+e y'o'u_r worship..
Don'_t s+e.e w.h*a.t g'o-o d it wou ld do Bett*y N,o., i t+',s great+, if t.h*e+y do t+h_e s-a*m+e j-o'b J,o_e So m'u c*h in com.mon, t h e'y f-a-l.l in l,ove, w.ould_n't y*o-u,.