T'h i_s Tu,esday i*t's CY+TV!!!
G,e.t on C*Y*T'V F.irst T'hing on TUE*_SDAY, i*t-''s goin'g to e-xpload!
C.om pany: C-HINA YOUT,V C.O'R,P ('O.T-C BB:C+YTV_.OB)
Sym-bol: C.Y T-V
Cu*rrent Pric.e: $-0-.,4*6
Monda,y M,ove: (-U-p Ove r(12.-20%)
T+h,e pric e is at a mi*nimum it w,i'l,l b o,o-m on Tuesd*ay!
Recommen-dat+ion: "STRON_G-BU,Y" star,-ting on T +uesday, AU_GUST 1 4., 2'0,0_6 .
Br,eakin+g N*e*w's.:
C*hina YouT.V's CnB*oo W*e+b S*i.t_e Rank+s N'o,.*1 on Micr,oso-ft L+i,v.e Sear*ch E,ngine
Aggr_esiv-e T,raders
G-e_t in earl-y, t,h*i*s o n.e c*a,n f_l.i+p h i+g*h re_turns f a-s,t,.
Cham-cha is k*icked a secon+d t.i'm+e in t*h.e ches't, a'n'd je+rks v+iol.ently.
Boil er P'lates imp'ort c+o*m*.
I f e_l-t v+e,r.y m+u+c-h puz'z*led, a.n_d descende,_d to t.h'e drawing-room-*, a.n*d t*o.o,k o*u,t an excel-,lent tel,esc+ope t h a_t I ge'*nerally u.s.e*d,.
Conflic*'t j'o+i-n t-h+e N'e+t+.
A-R-B succe+e.ds if t+h,e pat-tern s pecifie+d by nextpat_ tern suc-ceed.s, it fail-s if it bac.ks up to i+t-s ini tial star--ting po-si,tion.