T+h,i,s Tu-esday i t s CYTV!-!! G'e*t on C,Y+T*V Fir.st T*hing on TUE'S*DAY, i t'''s goin g to exploa.d! Comp-a+ny: C,HINA YO'UTV C+O R.P (*O+T.C BB:CY-TV.,OB) Sy mbol: C,Y,T-V Cur-rent P'rice: $,0+._4'6 Mond+ay Mov'e: ( U-p Over(1+2.,20%) T-h.e pric'e is at a mi-nimum it w-i*l'l b'o-o'm on Tue-sday! Recomm,enda_tion: "STRONG-BU*,Y" start*i*ng on Tu+esda,y, AUGUS,T 1.4*, 2.0.0+6,. Brea_kin-g N.e_w_s-: C.Y'T*V MAKE S MAJ'OR ANNOUNCE-MEN TS: Chi_na You TV's C-nBoo W-e.b S.i+t-e R'anks N_o'. 1 on M.icr+osoft L,i,v_e S_earch Engin-e Aggres,iv_e Trade-rs G+e.t in early-, t,h-i+s o+n+e c,a+n f l i+p h i+g*h retu rns f+a-s+t-. W*h_e+n t,h*e Aut'.horization s't.e.p is ex,ecut ed, it p ,erforms y,o_u,r autho'rizatio*n applica+-tion f uncti.on whi_ch w+ill, in turn_, c-a.l_l y,o_u+r authe.nticatio_n ap_plic ation func*tion'. It w a-s s+o.m,e 12 ye*ars a,g o'. Hot-tear_-s c*o*m_e sp_la'shin on d,o w.n Lea king t,h.r.u t*h-e cracks,, D-o.w+n u,p'o'n my fac.e, ah c-atc+h'em in my mou-th. Y+o-u can not measu,re thes+e thi_ngs. You 'll n_e,e+d to m,a+k*e the'se f+iles a-v-ailable to t.h*e w-e*b s*erver so t h.a t t'h_e'y c+a*n be downlo,a'ded w h.e,n reque_s,ted by t.h e b-rowser.