I have made some experimentations, but I can't find where is a bug in a simple piece of code
I represent a polynome by a list of its coefficents
(I know that there is a more efficient way to do this calculation (P(x) in fact), but it is just an expermimentation)
let horner p x =
  let v= Array.of_list p in
  let n = Array.length v in
  let r = ref n in
  let f = ref (function u ->u  ) in
    while !r <> 0 do
      f := (function u -> !f( v.(!r)+ x*u));
      r := !r -1 ;
In theory, the !f(0) call shall give me P(x)...
But it seems that the computer crash, and can't handle this line of code...
Someone has an idea?
Thank you