Dear Professor, We would like to present you our structure, one of the most renowned places where to organize INTERNATIONAL PhD SCHOOLs, Advanced Research WORKSHOPs, COURSEs, SEMINARs, MEETINGs and CONFERENCEs. For those who have never been here, it has been almost 20 years that the University Residential Centre of Bertinoro (Ce.U.B.), the vocational training Centre of the University of Bologna, holds seminars, meetings, summer and winter schools, PhD schools, short term and long term courses, coordinated by several Italian and Foreign Universities, Private Companies, NGOs or Public Institutions such as the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We have a strong and long history in the organization of successful events. Ce.U.B. is located on the hilltop of Bertinoro easy accessible also on public transports by train or from the international airport of Bologna. Many professors and students have appreciated the location of our Centre as well as our facilities (classrooms, secretariat, canteen and accommodations) because they are very close to each other. While you are in class you are surrounded by the sound wall of the ancient fortress an its frescoes; the accommodations and the canteen are set in the peaceful atmosphere of the former seminary. The peculiar location of these structures and the tranquillity of the place allows professor and students coming from all over the world to enjoy meetings in an informal but effective atmosphere. In the Centre we are also proud to host the Bertinoro International Center for Informatics (BICI, see , one of the most renowned centres for informatics in the world. The city of Bertinoro is well known for its hospitality and for the good food and wine as you can see from the vineyards surrounding the place. In a short distance you can go to Bologna, visit art and culture of the Romagna region, explore nature whether you like more the seaside or the mountains or bike through the lovely countryside. If you have never been here, we kindly invite you come visit us, you will not regret this experience! You will find as attachments a copy of the Brochure and 2012 Agenda/Diary of our Center, but please give a look to our website ( and do not hesitate to contact us for any further information and requirements. Contact us: Brochure: &p=1&id=520 The University Residential Center of Bertinoro would be very pleased to support you in the organization of your specific initiatives. Looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Dr. Giampaolo Amadori ============================================================= CEO -- University Residential Centre of Bertinoro ( Via Frangipane, 6 47032 -Bertinoro (FC) ITALY e-mail: Phone +39 0543 446500 ; Fax +39 0543 446599 Mobile +39 335 1519306 Skype-Id: gpa06gpa