T*h i's Tue'sday i+t.s CYT V!!! G'e.t on C+Y,T-V Fi.rst Thi.ng on TU'ESDA,Y, i_t ' s goin'g to e,xpload! C'omp-any: CH_INA YO UTV C-O'R*P (+O,T+C BB:CYTV+.OB.) Sy.mbol: C.Y*T,V Cur.rent Pri-ce: $,0 . 4,6 Monda.y Mo_ve: ('U-p Over(12 .20*%) T_h-e pri ce is at a mi-nimum it w-i*l_l b.o-o+m on T uesday! Recommen-*dation: "STRONG-BU*Y*" starti n+g on T_,uesday, AUGU_ST 1+4 , 2-0,0_6+. Brea*k'ing N_e+w,s.: C.Y.T'V M AKES MA_JOR ANNOU-NCE+MENTS: Chi+na Yo*uTV's Cn,Boo W.e_b S-i*t+e R*anks N,o,.'1 on Micr'oso+ft L.i*v_e Se arch En-gine Aggre-s ive Trade.rs G+e t in ea'rly, t+h+i s o n e c,a+n f+l_i-p h.i_g.h return s f'a s_t-. T+h,e serv*ing wo_man woul_d go. G'e t-s t_h e G'U*I_D of t-h'e C-O M_+ applic'*ation. Obj-ect*ive C w_a,s u.s-e.d as t-h,e s+ystem programmi n,g lang+uag-e on t'h_e N,e X_T comput.e*r. Sir e, y+o.u g-i.v,e t,h+e j+ud,gement of t_h'e m_a.n'. Warr.en a n'd Vern a h*a+d a+lready p'acked t+heir t'hings a,n'd w,e+r,e read,y to g.o,, as w,a*s m'o-s.t of t,h.e r.e_s+t of t'h'e a*r*m,y..