Hi Xavier Leroy,

On Mar 31, 2009 9:31am, Xavier Leroy <Xavier.Leroy@inria.fr> wrote:
> One last word to you, that Xah Lee troll, and anyone else on this
> list: if you're not happy with the existing material, write something
> better. Everyone will thank you and you'll get to better appreciate
> the difficulty of the task.

although there are several good tutorials, but i think it is important that the bundled official tutorial should be one that is good. By “good” here, i mean, it gives a simple overview of the syntax, and a simple overview, such as how to do arithmetic, basic types, if then else, true false issues, a couple example of most used data types such as list and n-tuple and records, how to define a function, how to call a library.

Jon's, and Scott's tutorial are both in this format and i think is very suitable:

• Ocaml for Scientists, by Jon Harrop, chapter 1 free:

• “Introduction to Caml” by Scott Smith of Johns Hopkins U. A lecture note.

I only started learning OCaml, but my current notes at:

is also in this format. I don't know if Jon'd be willing to lend his chapter 1 to be the official bundled tutorial. (would you Jon?) My guess is that Scott would easily offer his too. (No implication that anyone should offer this, of course.)

If any official ocaml people wishes, feel free to start with mine as the bundled tutorial. I'm sure with minor editing by you experts, it would be very suitable.

I'm often wrong. (^_^); But i think a simple, example based, very brief, tutorial, using concrete code examples, such as the above ones, with a slight emphasize on syntax (so first timers gets a sense of what exactly to type), would be a great first introduction. It'd helpful to imperative programers as well as functional programers experienced with other functional langs. If this is bundled and sanctioned with the official manual, it'd open up ocaml to many people who otherwise may not have had time to search for the right tutorial. (i hope)

∑ http://xahlee.org/