Instead, its goal is to allow you to replace class files that have been BCI'd. With Dynamic Faces, you can identify which components in the tree should benefit from asynchronous updates. You could combine the two into a single class, but there's an easier way. The hash table is also a fixed size, another potential problem. To have a unique identification per object would require a unique tag value for every object. A standard Lifecycle object represents an instance of the JavaServer Faces life cycle, and a standard ViewRoot object represents the root of a component tree. Their experience working with Cray and other supercomputers, in conjunction with oil exploration software, had provided apt preparation for the Internet age. For more on lists and list cell renderers see the following documents: How to Use Lists The Java Tutorial Rate and Review Tell us what you think of the content of this page. This project allows you to Ajax-enable any of the JavaServer Faces components that your web applications already use. And there are literally tens of thousands of price changes every day, so we monitor those changes in real time. This last dependency is Shale Remoting, which Dynamic Faces uses to load JavaScript technology files and other resources from the Java classpath. "Rather than having to keep caching behavior separate from the code we were developing, we could build it into the specification of each module. The previous article in this series introduced Project jMaki, which allows you to take any widget and wrap it in a JavaServer Pages tag handler or JavaServer Faces component. Project Dynamic Faces is another innovative project that provides a way to add Ajax functionality to a JavaServer Faces technology-based application. The library itself then uses JVM TI and JNI for debugging, profiling, or doing anything an agent does. " Then came generics. If the above Tracker code were to initiate anything more sophisticated, such as calling methods in classes, that would require waiting until the VM initialization phase.