Hi, I have recently encountered some very interesting notions (cited below). Although I've been using OCaml for some time, up to now I didn't know about the existence of polymorphic records and (their reference to) the problem of polymorphic recursion. Perhaps a word about it should be stated in the manual (more evidently)? (I don't even recall to have seen the syntax in the manual for this.) With Your help I ventured again to "typecheck my programs before they are generated" etc. But now I get an error I totally don't understand. (Still it somehow resembles the problem it posed as an ordinary function.) Could someone explain? I have attached the file. Thanks in advance, Best wishes, Lukasz Jacques Garrigue Re: [Caml-list] Variant parameterized method? >>>>>>>>> This precise type is not admissible in the ocaml type system. In ocaml recursive types must be regular: only 'a foo may occur in the expansion of 'a foo. This problem is discussed in an answer to PR#1730 in the caml bug database. This can be solved by introducing an explicit wrapper. <<<<<<<<< Jacques Garrigue Re: [Caml-list] does class polymorphism need to be so complicated? >>>>>>>>> P.S. Having a lighter syntax for polymorphic methods might be a good idea. [...] An advantage of such a syntax is that it could also be used in normal "let rec" to provide polymorphic recursion. <<<<<<<<<< Uwaga! Do końca sierpnia przedłużyli¶my promocje, do pakietów wielostanowiskowych dokładamy PenDrive SprawdĽ: http://www.mks.com.pl/promocja-mobile.html