Yann Salmon a écrit (le 31/07/2017 à 22:56) : > Caml Light is still used in the French classes préparatoires because > of an official text that mandates it. More and more teachers would > like to switch over to OCaml, but this would require a change in that > text, which might take time. Plus, from my own experience, these are math and physics students which are given an insight of computer science. It is not as if they were taught deep computer engineering. The few they see of the language might as well be modern OCaml with almost no visible change¹. In fact, most exam readers will tacitly accept the OCaml syntax in the answers, given there is a syntactic difference in those small code snippets, and given the reader notices it. I believe that this is also the reason why the education system estimates that switching to OCaml is not worth the effort. Caml Light being dead is a 100% guarantee of stability! They will probably consider switching when the latest Windows won’t run the tools anymore. :-) -- Glen Mével ¹: One of the few, minor, differences is writing == instead of = for type definitions. That, and translating the names of the standard library functions into the new module system, which is straightforward (list_nth → List.nth) and anyway students are usually not expected to use the stdlib.