Depends what one means by "real operating" systems. But yes it will run under linux using mono, I believe people have tried it on OS X too and it didn't work but this was due to a fault in Mono's implemenation of tail call. A bug report has been filed with the mono team so a fix should be forth coming.

The source of the implementation is available, but the license is not, for the moment, open source.


From: Richard Jones <>
Sent: 18 April 2007 02:05
To: Jon Harrop <>
Subject: Re: [Caml-list] The F#.NET Journal

On Tue, Apr 17, 2007 at 09:06:38PM +0100, Jon Harrop wrote:
> Flying Frog Consultancy just started the F#.NET Journal, an on-line
> publication composed of articles, example source code and tutorial videos
> aimed at beginner programmers learning the F# programming language from
> Microsoft Research:

Does F# run on real operating systems? Does it have a full open
source stack?

(Genuine questions - you seem to be saying a lot of good things about


Richard Jones
Red Hat

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