Le 14 mai 10 à 18:26, ben kuin a écrit : > I think something like the clr would be a huge progress > first and foremost for the linux programmers. Maybe Ocaml could play > an important role of providing a slick api, because of its strength > when it comes to language implementation (compilers), so we would > have: > > gil ( gnu intermediate language, a bytecode ) > gilrt ( gnu intermediate language runtime, a jit based vm) > > - the gilrt written in c or c++ > - an Ocaml binding to the gilrt > - different language implementations gPython, gRuby, gC, gJava > (Language to gil compilers written in Ocaml) > > Or maybe that's just crazy talk ... > ben Isn't this precisely the aim of Jon's hlvm (www.ffconsultancy.com/ocaml/hlvm/)? V.