Dear OCaml users,


to close this topic, here are some statistics for my use case with different hash functions. All hash methods I tried lead to identical statistics as random numbers. Simply using Hashtbl.hash on lists of hashes of substructures (Method 2 below) worked very well, is easy to write down and offers sufficient flexibility.


NItems   =  3277598

NBuckets = 16777216


        | Theoretical | Method1  |  Method2 |  Method3


Empty   |  13799905.0 | 13800062 | 13799864 | 13801452

Single  |   2695950.5 |  2695830 |  2696131 |  2693130

2 items |    263340.5 |   263101 |   263042 |   264318

3 items |     17148.7 |    17350 |    17368 |    17463

4 items |       837.5 |      849 |      779 |      822

5 items |        32.7 |       24 |       29 |       31

6 items |         1.1 |        0 |        3 |        3


Runtime |             |     119s |     122s |     110s


Note 1: the expected random deviation of the counts is sqrt(count).


Note 2: The speed differences between Method 1 and 2 are random – Method 2 should be faster.


Note 3: using Hashtbl.hash on the complete structure doesn't work for me for two reasons:

- parts of the structure should be ignored

- I have maps as substructures and require that logically equal maps result in the same hash



collision numbers for a random process with same parameters (used exact Bernoulli statistics, not Poisson approximation)



Hashtbl.hash used on structures recursively (create list of hash values for substructures and use Hashtbl.hash on list).

Maps (<10 elements) are converted to lists and the list is hashed with Hashtbl.hash.

Multiply each hash list entry with a distinct prime.

Use prime values for variants and prime multipliers for variant arguments.



Hashtbl.hash used on structures recursively (create list of hash values for substructures and use Hashtbl.hash on list).

Maps (<10 elements) are converted to lists and the list is hashed with Hashtbl.hash.

Use prime values for variants and prime multipliers for variant arguments.



( ( ( (v1 * p1 + v2) * p2) + v3 ) *p3 + v4) * p4   

where vi are values and pi are distinct prime numbers. For lists I use 4 primes alternatingly and 4 different primes for empty cases


Btw.: I added a function “worst_bucketlist” to Hashtbl, which returns the keys of the largest bucket. This is useful for optimizing (or bug fixing) hash and equality functions – try to make a feature request for it.


Best regards,



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