Hi all, I've been playing around with developing a network app in ocaml and came across an annoying 'misunderstaning' of the documentation. Namely, 'shutdown_connection' does not clean up after 'open_connection'. While the socket is shutdown, the file descriptor is not closed and thus must be done so explicitly, else you can quickly run out of file descriptors... :( It seems that it would be more intuitive(as a high level networking function) if shutdown_con also closed the socket, effectively undoing the allocations of open_con. In fact, the networking example in this book[1] does not do this, which is how I erred in the first place. I'm not networking/socket expert, so, is there any reason for this not to occur? The only problem I see is that making the change would break any program that correctly closes the socket on its own... thanks, [1] Developing Applications With Objective Caml[english translation] -- Mike Furr