On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 15:36 +0100, Niall Dalton wrote: > Hello, > > I wrote rather in haste yesterday, so perhaps my message was less than > understandable, apologies! > > I'm wondering if there is any plan for native code compilation on 64 bit > windows using the Visual Studio toolchain? Microsoft do ship a 64 bit > assembler with it (at least in VC2005 beta and the DDK). However, they > have defined 'long' as 32 bits rather than the more usual 64 bits on a > 64 bit OS. Are there any other particular 'gotchas' preventing a > straightforward port? Actually MS decision is vastly more sensible than the gnu choice: it leaves all the ints the same size on win32 and win64, so all strictly conforming code will continue to work the same way, right up to integer overflow, bit masks, etc. The real 'gotcha' is the Unix programmers that decided it was OK to use 32 bit ints as addresses .. their code will break under both models. -- John Skaller