****************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS 5th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2008) http://www.di.uminho.pt/mompes within the 11th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2008) Budapest - Hungary April 5, 2008 ****************************************************************** SCOPE Model Based Development (MBD) comprises approaches to software development, which rely on modelling and the systematic transition from models to executable code. This workshop focuses on the theoretical and practical aspects related with the adoption of MBD methodologies (notation, process, methods, and tools) for supporting the construction of software for pervasive and embedded systems. Suggested areas of interest in the workshop include, but are not restricted to: - Meta-modelling and Tools - Feature Modelling - Modelling of Non-Functional Requirements - Model-based Architectures - Model Transformation and Code Generation - Software Process, Product Lines and Frameworks - Model-based Analysis, Testing and Verification - Model-Based Optimization, Design Spaces and Design Rules - Models for Adaptable and Predictable System Quality - Models for Adaptive System Infrastructure - Models for Ultra-Large Scale Systems - Issues In Socio-Technical Ecosystems - Case Studies and Demonstration Cases ****************************************************************** PAPER SUBMISSION Authors are requested to submit a 10-page PDF English version (including figures, references, and appendices) of their papers in IEEE Computer Society Press 2-column format available from ftp://pubftp.computer.org/Press/Outgoing/proceedings/instruct.pdf. Submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 3 PC members. Authors of accepted papers must sign the IEEE copyright form. Full papers exceeding 10 pages will be charged for pages in excess. At least one author of each accepted submission must register and present the paper at the workshop. Submissions by email to mompes@di.uminho.pt. ****************************************************************** PROCEEDINGS Proceedings containing accepted regular papers and invited papers are planned to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press. Best papers of MOMPES 2008 will be considered for publication in extended and revised form in a special issue of the Springer's journal of Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering. ****************************************************************** SPONSORING MOMPES 2008 is technically co-sponsored by IFIP WG10.2 (Embedded Systems). ****************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES - Submission of full papers: 29.Oct.2007 - Notification of acceptance: 03.Dec.2007 - Camera-ready paper version: 04.Jan.2008 - Workshop at ETAPS 2008: 05.Apr.2008 ****************************************************************** ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - Ricardo J. Machado U Minho (PT) - Joao M. Fernandes U Minho (PT) - Rick Kazman SEI CMU (US) - Flavio Wagner UFRGS (BR) PROGRAM COMMITTEE - Len Bass SEI CMU (US) - Jean Bezivin U Nantes (FR) - Gaelle Calvary U Joseph Fourier (FR) - Hong-Mei Chen U Hawaii Manoa (US) - Sophie Dupuy-Chessa U Joseph Fourier (FR) - Joao M. Fernandes U Minho (PT) - Lidia Fuentes U Malaga (ES) - Susanne Graf VERIMAG (FR) - Luis Gomes UN Lisboa (PT) - Nick Graham Queen’s U (CA) - Mike Hinchey NASA (US) - Jean-Marc Jezequel U Rennes & INRIA (FR) - Rick Kazman SEI CMU (US) - Ridha Khedri McMaster U (CA) - Hillel Kugler Microsoft Research (UK) - Ricardo J. Machado U Minho (PT) - Stephen J. Mellor Mentor Graphics (US) - Dirk Muthig IESE (DE) - Franz Rammig U Paderborn (DE) - Wolfgang Rosenstiel U Tuebingen (DE) - Bran Selic IBM Rational Software (CA) - Joao P. Sousa GMU (US) - Janos Sztipanovits Vanderbilt U (US) - Arie van Deursen CWI (NL) - Yves Vanderperren U Leuven (BE) - Flavio Wagner UFRGS (BR) ******************************************************************