Excerpts from jon's message of Wed Jan 30 11:43:55 +0100 2008: > On Wednesday 30 January 2008 10:18:14 Sylvain Le Gall wrote: > > OCaml in Debian has a lot of problems. I have talked about openly > > during the meeting. You can find my slides on the wiki, if you want more > > information about it. > > http://wiki.cocan.org/events/europe/ocamlmeetingparis2008 > > Yes. Thanks for the link. > > > In this case, i was talking about dealing with repository/metadata. > > Which is something about package management and not OCaml in Debian. I > > just suggest using a ftp repository and putting a VCS field in the > > metadata. > > Sure. I don't see a clear preference for either myself. > > > >> and don't let people going into endless discussion about Git being > > >> faster than Darcs -- but less useful than Hg. > > > > > > Debian have also failed to resolve this. > > > > I never participate to flameware. But i have seen many on Debian lists, > > and think it is a waste of time. Just like people on this list when they > > also go into flameware... > > Flamewars may be a waste of time but I don't see that as a flamewar. The idea > of using software written in Haskell (darcs) because OCaml has none and > Haskell is a related language seems nice but several darcs users have said > here that it is really broken and unusable. I've never used it myself but > I've certainly heard that a lot elsewhere and few people use darcs anyway. Users that consider darcs broken and/or unusable are not darcs users, they perhaps tried it, that's all. IMHO they've applied the "correction before optimization" principle. A principle that we often spread in functional programming community. -- Nicolas Pouillard aka Ertai