Excerpts from Paolo Donadeo's message of Mon Jul 21 23:28:36 +0200 2008: > I'm disappointed with myself and my incredibly low IQ. Late this > evening I decided -- and this is the third time -- to be enlightened > by the concept of monad. > > I like functional programming, but monads [1] must be too little to be > grabbed by my mind. This time the interest in monads was aroused by > the interesting article of David Teller, Arnaud Spiwack and Till > Varoquaux [2] about the error monad, but for using the library they > wrote I need at least some knowledge about monads and the do-notation. > > I tried with some tutorials found around, but I still cannot catch the > point: what the hell is a monad? Two key points that helped me: * Monads help to separate some plumbing from your code. * Monads provide a way to abstract code over some "let" construct. I will note that specific "let" construct "let!", it's somewhat like the do-notation but more atomic. Monads also come with "return", but that's not the essence of them. Think about that example: val div : int -> int -> int option val square : int -> option let f x y = match div x y with | None -> None (* here 'y' was equal to 0 *) | Some z -> match square z with | None -> None | Some x2 -> Some x2 In the previous example the plumbing is error handling (where errors are represented by None), and the "let!" construct is: let! x = e1 in e2 ===> match e1 with None -> None | Some x -> e2 And "return" is "Some". Another similar example: type ('a,'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b val div : int -> int -> (string, int) either val square : int -> (string, int) either let f x y = match div x y with | Left error_msg -> Left error_msg | Right z -> match square z with | Left error_msg -> Left error_msg | Right x2 -> Right x2 Here the plumbing is still there for "error handling", but is somewhat different. The "let!" construct is: let! x = e1 in e2 ===> match e1 with Left m -> Left m | Right x -> e2 And "return" is "Right". Finally one could have used the "let!" construct abstractly (and also "return"). let f x y = let! z = div x y in let! x2 = square z in return x2 One can obtain the two previous versions by choosing which "let!"/"return" we want, namely choosing the monad. Hope that helps, -- Nicolas Pouillard aka Ertai