On Thu, 2009-12-10 at 14:49 +0100, Nicolas Pouillard wrote:
Excerpts from Serge Leblanc's message of Thu Dec 10 12:56:44 +0100 2009:
> Hi, the documentation for the revised syntax explain that abstract types
> are expressed by :

The documentation is too old, abstract types now have the same syntax in
revised than in the original OCaml syntax.

In the following types definitions,

type trie 'a = [ Trie of arcs 'a ]
and arcs 'a = list ('a * trie 'a);

type zipper 'a = [ Top | Zip of (arcs 'a * 'a * arcs 'a * zipper 'a) ]
and edit_state 'a = (zipper 'a * trie 'a);

why is it not possible to describe them thus ?

type letter = 'a;
type trie = [ Trie of arcs ]
and arcs = list (letter * trie);

type zipper = [ Top | Zip of (arcs * letter * arcs * zipper) ]
and edit_state = (zipper * trie);

Thanks for your help.
Serge Leblanc
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