The "short" answer is the definition of 'delay' does not have a type associativity or bindings. For a recursive definition to work well, you would need to resolve into primitive types. When you try to accumulate a definition introducing more layers of complexity, one thing is just like this other (example, a candle is like a wax object with a wick), we see this every day with compound "of" metaphors, the type engine gets confused. You are using a constructor to define other items, therefore it fails. In natural languages you can get away with it, but not in programming languages.

Hope this helps.


On Friday, November 8, 2013 11:02 PM, "" <> wrote:

Brigitte Pientka wrote:

> type 'a susp = Susp of (unit -> 'a)
> type 'a str = {hd: 'a  ; tl : ('a str) susp}
> let rec ones = {hd = 1 ; tl = Susp (fun () -> ones)}
> This works fine and many examples can be elegantly written this way.  However,
> when I define the stream ones via the function delay, OCaml fails.
>  let delay f = Susp f
>    let rec ones = {hd = 1 ; tl = delay (fun () -> ones)};;
>                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Error: This kind of expression is not allowed as right-hand side of `let rec'
> Could someone explain why this fails?

To be fair, OCaml already provides a few relaxations for let rec
definitions, which are described in Sec 7.3 of
Alain Frisch has demonstrated one such extension: lazy.

I believe though there is a better way to represent your co-patterns
in OCaml -- using objects. Objects are already have a fix-points in
them, and objects are naturally coinductive: an object receives a
message, changes its state and results in an object ready for more
messages. The only think we can do with objects is to observe them,
but sending them messages. This sounds just like the definition of
co-induction. Here how it looks like:

(* defining the class type is not necessary, but helpful.
  It defines the type 'a str that is useful when writing signatures.
  I like to write signatures
class type ['a] str = object ('self)
        method hd : 'a
        method tl : 'self

class ones = object (self)
  method hd = 1
  method tl = self

let ones = new ones;;

let take : int -> 'a str -> 'a list = fun n str ->
let rec loop acc str = function
  | n when n <= 0 -> List.rev acc
  | n -> loop (str#hd :: acc) (str#tl) (n-1) (* Co-patterns! str#hd and str#tl *)
in loop [] str n

take 5 ones;;
  - : int list = [1; 1; 1; 1; 1]

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