Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Description: message body text Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Dave Berry a écrit : > > Do you have a real-life example where you need module equality of the > sort you suggest? I recognize the choice of an intentional notion of module equality was not driven by immediate practical considerations. However, if you have a look at Xavier's modular module system, it is used several times. Of course, you can do without it (and in the background, Caml does without). When I tried to define a module calculus for Pure Type Systems with good metatheroetical properties, it happens that I needed module equality: if you are familiar with O'Caml typing system for modules, you probably know that it has a rule telling E |- m : M ------------ E |- m : M/m where "M/m" is M strengthened by m. Roughly this rule says if X is a module defining an abstract type t then we at least know that this type t is equal to X.T (the result of strengthening sig type t end by X is sig type t = X.t end). Now, a metatheoretical result you want is that if m has type M and M is a correct module type then M/m is a correct module type. It turns out that if you want this property in presence of dependent types, you need a notion of equality over modules that ensures that if X=Y then F(X).t = F(Y).t (although this seems to be a truism, it is false in O'Caml with the current definition of module equality). The extentionnal definition is IMHO the wrong one since this lead to accept that F(X).t = F(Y).t when F is Map.Make with X = struct type t = int let compare x y = x-y end and Y = struct type t = int let compare x y = y-x end as I said in my previous post. So I was left with the intentionnal one. module equality is therefore part of the semantic of modules in MC, so you have it for free. I did not try to add it to the modular module system of Xavier until friday, when I began to write this reply. In a few hours, I could patch Xavier's code so that it accepts module equality constraints (about 6h of total work time, including writing this message and a very basic web page). I enclose the patch below, you can download the fully modified code at Here is an example that can be checked by miniML (look at the signature of W) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- struct module IntOrder = struct type t = int val equal x y = x == y val less x y = x < y end module IntOrder' = struct type t = int val equal x y = x == y val less x y = x > y end module Z = struct module X = IntOrder module Y = IntOrder end module F = functor(W:sig module X : sig type t = int end module Y : sig type t = int end = X end ) struct end module G = F(Z) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The previous example typechecks but if you replace "module Y = IntOrder" by "module Y = IntOrder'", it does not typechecks as X and Y are now different. If you have a look at the code, you will notice that any module defined as "module X = m" is transparent as long as "m" is a path. It is difficult to make more module transparent unless you extend the definition of a path. However, you might wish some definition "module X = p" (where p is a path) be opaque. It would be quite easy to change the code so that the standard module definition is opaque and introduce a "transparent module" definition. Sincerly yours, Judicaël.