From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: (from majordomo@localhost) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) id UAA01758; Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:03:42 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) with ESMTP id UAA01771 for ; Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:03:41 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.11.1/8.11.1) with ESMTP id fATJ3eH04113 for ; Thu, 29 Nov 2001 20:03:40 +0100 (MET) Received: (from hirschow@localhost) by (8.11.6/8.11.6) id fATK40L30726; Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:04:00 +0100 X-Authentication-Warning: hirschow set sender to using -f From: Tom Hirschowitz MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 21:04:00 +0100 To: Subject: Re: [Caml-list] limits on mutual recursion and modules? X-Mailer: VM 6.97 under Emacs 20.7.1 Sender: Precedence: bulk > I'm interested, and I'm sure the rest of the list will be interested too. Allright, I'll try. People who are not interested by type theory for recursive modules may stop here. Warning ------- I am far from understanding all the details of what I will write. If people are interested in understanding better, we can try. Anyway, I'll drop some questions here and there, and any hints are welcome. Preliminaries 1 : phase splitting --------------------------------- In [1, 2, 3], the authors consider languages that are quite far from the concrete syntax, in the sense that type and value components of modules may always be separated, thanks to phase-splitting rules, and in the sense that sub-modules are merged in the top level structure. This was first done in [2], once for all. So when we try to understand what happens to a program like module rec M (X : sig module A : sig type t val f : t -> t end module B : sig type t val g : t -> t end end) = struct module A = struct type t = string let f x = x ^ "!" end module B = struct type t = int let g n = (n + 1) end end in their systems, we obtain something like fix (X : [ 'a : (Type * Type). (('a.1 -> 'a.1) * ('a.2 -> 'a.2)) ]) = [ , (\x . x ^ "!", \n . n + 1) ] where 'a represents the set of type components of the forwardly declared module X. Indeed a module is split into type components and value components, and is therefore of the form M ::= s (* identifier *) | [ c, e ] (* type constructor, expression *) while a signature is of the form S ::= [ 'a : K. sigma ] (* type variable 'a of a certain kind K plus a value type simga *) This has the advantage that forward dependencies of value components on type components are no longer forward in their calculus. For example, see the following recursive signature : sig rec (X : sig module A : sig type t end module B : sig type t end) = sig module A : sig type t = ... val f : X.B.t -> int end module B : sig type t end It becomes sig rec (s : [ 'a : (Type * Type) , nothing ]) = [ 'b : (Type * Type) , (Fst s).2 -> int ] ~~~~~~~~~ (underlined the X.B.t) which is simply equivalent to [ 'a : (Type * Type) , 'a.2 -> int ] I agree that this simplifies problems, but it makes it hard to imagine what they would look like in the real language, and I ended up not really understanding what each version exactly does. By the way, I think it is mentioned somewhere that it was difficult to adapt the theory to non-split modules. Preliminaries 2 : equi-recursive type constructors -------------------------------------------------- Somewhere at the base of [1, 3] lies the notion of equi-recursive type constructors. This means that the grammar for type constructors has a "mu" entry of the form c ::= ... | mu('a). c and that in the equational theory on types, for all c (modulo some side-conditions), mu('a). c = c { (mu('a). c) / 'a } The problem is that this is an equality of the theory, not an isomorphism (ie for example, there are no roll and unroll operations needed). And this makes unification of type constructors undecidable (or nobody knows, maybe). Now, there are several attempts in [3] for systems with recursive modules. 1. Opaque recursive modules, version CHP ---------------------------------------- The first system exposed in [1]. The simplest one : add a construct fix (X : S) M to the module language and type the body of the recursive module under the assumption that the forward variable is of the declared signature. The body must be of the same signature. The rule is basically (dropping the valuability conditions to avoid bad cycles) s fresh C[s : S] |- M : S C |- S sig ------------------------------------------ C |- fix(s : S).M : S Already here, there is a question. The authors mention that "making S opaque is not an abstraction mechanism", but I honestly don't see why. Drawback : not very expressive. The list example is not well-typed : module type LIST = sig type t val nil : t val cons : int * t -> t end module rec List = fix (X : LIST) type t = unit + int * X.t let nil = inl () let cons (x, l) = inr (x, l) end In the body of List, we have cons : int * List.t -> t, instead of the required int * t -> t. Of course, this is a bit of a false example, because one could write the known List module directly, but it is theirs. The problem seems to be that X.t and t are not identified in the body. Finally, there seems to be an issue that [1] had not mentioned. The system makes use of equi-recursive type constructors, which makes it probably undecidable, so the high-level language should not allow the user to mention them, letting the system deal with them alone. This is quite unclear though. 2. Transparent recursive modules version CHP -------------------------------------------- For me this is the closest to Russo's system, although the authors seem to consider that they are very different. There is a notion of recursively dependent signature (rds), which is quite similar to Russo's. This solves the List example by declaring module type rec LIST' (X : sig type t end) = type t = unit + int * X.t ... end module rec List (X : LIST') = type t = unit + int * X.t ... end so that in the body, we have X.t = unit + int * X.t (because the rds is transparent). The user is not allowed to manipulate equi-recursive type constructors, except within rds and fixpoint modules, which encapsulate recursivity. To compare this one with 1., 2. is clearly more expressive. However, both make use of equi-recursive type constructors, so the real purpose of [3] seems to avoid this. 3. Opaque fixpoint modules, version DHC --------------------------------------- This is a hack to solve the List example. It consists in inferring for the body a signature that may be different from the forwardly declared one, provided that type components have the same kind and that replacing forward references in it with the corresponding ones in the forward yield an equivalent signature. Technically, the typing rule is 'a, s fresh C |- S = [ 'a : K. sigma1 ] C[s : S] |- M : [ 'a : K. sigma2 ] C['a : K] |- sigma1 = (sigma2 { 'a / (Fst s) }) ----------------------------------------------- C |- fix(s : S) M : S However, it does not solve similar examples where there are forward references to types. Indeed, we are not able to define a sufficiently precise signature. For example : module type EXPDEC = sig module Exp : sig type exp val make_let : Dec.dec * exp -> exp end module Dec : sig type dec val make_val : identifier * Exp.exp -> dec end end is not well-formed, because of the forward reference to Dec.dec, and there doesn't seem to be any way of specifying what we want here, still identifying the type of the first argument of make_let with Dec.dec. 4. Opaque RDS's --------------- Yet another construct, which is defined for using in 3. to deal with this problem. It is similar to first rds, except that in contrast, it must not show to the outside any recursive dependency. The rule is 'a, 'b fresh C |- K kind C['b : K] |- S = [ 'a : K. sigma ] ---------------------------------- C |- rec('b).S and the restriction on dependencies comes from the fact that K must be well-formed under the ambient context, thus without forward references. Sor for the ExpDec example, one would declare the following opaque rds : rec(ExpDec). sig module Exp : sig type exp val make_let : ExpDec.Dec.dec * exp -> exp end module Dec : sig type dec val make_val : identifier * Exp.exp -> dec end end This way, it seems that both difficult examples would work. Remark : the recursive modules system consituted by opaque fixpoint modules and opaque rds's only uses equi-recursiveness in typechecking fixpoint modules, not for rds's. 5. Transparent fixed-point modules, version [3] ----------------------------------------------- This is a subtle refinment of 2. In 2., both the rules for rds checking and fixpoint module typing required equi-recursive type constructors, but by restricting fixpoint modules to transparent signatures, the authors notice that the epxressiveness is retained, while equi-recursiveness is not necessary for fixpoint module typing, and remains only for rds checking. So it amounts to localizing equi-recursiveness to transparent rds's. Conclusion ---------- This is the first part of the paper, and the conclusions are basically that the two systems one should really consider are - opaque fixpoint modules and opaque rds's and - transparent fixpoint modules and transparent rds's. However, the use of equi-recursiveness makes them not suitable for practical implementation, and the second part tries to deal with that. I did not read that second part yet. However, thanks to Brian who forced me to dive again into this terrible paper. I understood much better this time than before (imagine how it was)! Maybe, it will encourage me to read on. Questions --------- a. Why wouldn't Russo's extension suffer from equi-recursiveness too? (think the answer is in the second part somewhere) b. How exactly is this compatible with separate compilation (cf Russos's problems)? (there a section about that) [1] Crary, Harper, Puri. What is a recursive module? [2] Harper, Mitchell, Moggi. Higher-order modules and the phase distinction. [3] Dreyer, Harper, Crary. Toward a practical type theory for recursive modules. ------------------- Bug reports: FAQ: To unsubscribe, mail Archives: