Hello, I have a new question : which package build system ? I would like to gather thoughts on that in the ocaml.org website, because actually its advice is 'make + OcamlMakefile' and 'Omake', and I am not sure it is the best advice. I think that people maintaining opam and godi may have important opinions on that. Here are my personal thoughts on this. 1) pur ocaml, 1 platform (1 person, or a team with identical computers and systems) ocamlbuild because : official tool that comes with ocaml, very handy and powerful, quite easy, clear _tags file that shows well dependencies, and support for ocamlfind. I espetially like the feature that handles dependencies properly and only rebuilds what is needed when rebuilding. I also tried Makefiles without OcamlMakefile, autotools (with ocaml-autoconf) 2) ocaml with c dependencies, multi platforms, cross builds Here the best thing I found was autotools with ocaml-autoconf. Though autotools are not easy to handle, that was the tool for the job. lablgtk, cairo-ocaml use this for example. I also tried Omake but really did not like it, as we have to learn a full new "language" with many special instructions. Also, I did not succeeded in patching an Omake project (caml-images) for cross compilation. The complexity is maybe equivalent as with autotools, but learning autotools is much more rewarding as it is a reference build system for GNU builds in particular. Oasis looked interesting, but was not able to cross compile, and I had more confidence in autotools for multi platforms support. Best regards, William R