Hello, Some time ago I set up a cross tool chain from linux to windows. The project was using lablgtk2, camlimages, xml-light, lablgl and cairo. None of these packages were ready for cross-compilation, and I had to patch them. My experience : Makefile (small ones) : was ok oasis (for my own packages) : was not possible to cross-compile ocamlbuild through Makefiles (for my own packages) : ok autotools + ocaml-autoconf + Makefiles (lablgtk2, cairo) : my preferred oMake (camlimages) : seemed obscure to me, and did not succeeded in patching it. In the end, I reverted to a previous version of camlimages using autotools + ocaml-autoconf + Makefiles In the end, to my point of view, I found ocamlbuild to be nice for small to medium ocaml projects, though documentation was bad. Then, when C sources were required with cross compilation, or for bigger projects, I found autotools to be nice. Finally, I also tend to think that the best tool is the one used by most people :-) Just to get fun, I designed two polls : "best tool" : http://vote.pollcode.com/55577581#sthash.7DIWIfiP.dpuf http://vote.pollcode.com/55577581 "most used tool" : http://vote.pollcode.com/114772714 William http://vote.pollcode.com/55577581#sthash.7DIWIfiP.dpuf