From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: weis Received: (from weis@localhost) by (8.6.10/8.6.6) id UAA24417 for caml-redistribution; Fri, 20 Oct 1995 20:08:00 +0100 From: Pierre Weis Message-Id: <> Subject: Re: [Q]: Mutable variant types in Caml Light 0.7 To: Date: Fri, 20 Oct 1995 19:55:09 +0100 (MET) In-Reply-To: <9510191516.AA04207@waves> from "Andrew Conway" at Oct 19, 95 04:16:10 pm MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Sender: weis > Why I would like it? Well, although I generally like strictness, > sometimes lazy lists are useful. So I decided to make some lazy list > routines. I used the following type: > > type 't lazylist = > EndLL > | Element of 't llcont > | Unconstructed of (unit -> 't lazylist) > and 't llcont = { value : 't ; mutable next : 't lazylist} > ;; > > The trouble is that takes 5 words per evaluated element, whereas > with Christian's suggestion it could be done in 3 words like > normal lists, as well as avoiding the ugliness in the above type > definition. Neither are huge things for me, but since it has already been > suggested, I second it. > > ( Incidentally, is there a nicer basic structure for lazy lists? ) If you need lazy construction of lists that are consumed once unfrozen you may use streams (in Caml Light only). I do not discuss about efficiency of the representation of values, since this issue is higly compiler dependent. I just present my best way to implement lazyness in (core) Caml. If you really want to use lazyness you probably need to start by defining the type of frozen objects: type 'a frozen = Freeze of (unit -> 'a) | Val of 'a;; Then you have to declare you're lazy data structures involving 'a frozen parts. For lazy lists you must use two types: one for the union of empty and non-empty lists, the other for the kind of cells you use for your lazy lists (are your list ``lazy in the head'' and ``lazy in the tail'' or only ``lazy in the tail'' ?). I assume you want lists lazy in the tail: type 'a llist = Nil | Cons of 'a cell and 'a cell = { hd : 'a ; mutable tl : 'a llist frozen} ;; Now you can define functions and functionals that carefully implements call by need or call by name (with call by name, computations are not shared: a frozen value may be ``forced'' as many times as necessary; in contrast, with call by need, the frozen value is physically replaced by the result of its computation, which is thus shared. I assume you want call by need): let rec mapl f = function Nil -> Nil | Cons {hd = x; tl = Val l} -> Cons {hd = f x; tl = Freeze (function () -> mapl f l)} | Cons ({hd = x; tl = Freeze th} as cell) -> let thunk () = let tail = th() in <- Val tail; mapl f tail in Cons {hd = f x; tl = Freeze thunk};; let rec do_llist f n = function Nil -> () | Cons {hd = x; tl = Val l} -> if n > 0 then begin f x; do_llist f (n - 1) l end | Cons ({hd = x; tl = Freeze th} as cell) -> if n > 0 then begin f x; let tail = th () in <- Val tail; do_llist f (n - 1) tail end;; Potentially infinite data are now available: let rec nat = Cons {hd = 0; tl = Freeze (fun () -> mapl succ nat)};; nat : int llist = Cons {hd=0; tl=Freeze } #do_llist print_int 5 nat;; 01234- : unit = () And call by need is properly implemented: #nat;; - : int llist = Cons {hd=0; tl= Val (Cons {hd=1; tl= Val (Cons {hd=2; tl=Val (Cons {hd=3; tl=Val (Cons {hd=4; tl=Freeze })})})})} Pierre Weis ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWW Home Page: Projet Cristal INRIA, BP 105, F-78153 Le Chesnay Cedex (France) E-mail: Telephone: +33 1 39 63 55 98 Fax: +33 1 39 63 53 30 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------