From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: weis Received: (from weis@localhost) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) id JAA10887 for caml-redistribution; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 09:15:48 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.7.6/8.7.3) with ESMTP id IAA07732 for ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:30 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id IAA29352; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:28 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/jtpda-5.1) with ESMTP id IAA12335 ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:28 +0100 (MET) Received: from ( []) by (8.8.8/jtpda-5.1) with ESMTP id IAA15505 ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:27 +0100 (MET) From: (Cointe Pierre 0251858200) Received: from (cointe@localhost) by (8.8.8/jtpda-5.1) id IAA02639 ; Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:26 +0100 (MET) Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1998 08:46:26 +0100 (MET) Message-Id: <> To:, Subject: Call for paper of Reflection99 Sender: weis CALL FOR PAPERS Reflection'99 The Second International Conference on Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection Saint-Malo, France July 19--21, 1999 OBJECTIVES Over the last 15 years, Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection have attracted the attention of researchers throughout computer science. Reflective and meta-level techniques have now matured to the point where they are being used to address real-world problems in such areas as: programming languages, operating systems, databases, distributed computing, expert systems and web-computing. Following Reflection'96 held in San Francisco, this conference will provide an opportunity for researchers with a broad range of interests in meta-level architectures and reflective techniques to discuss recent developments in this field. It will also provide an opportunity for researchers to discuss their work with colleagues from other parts of computing. The conference aims not only at advances within the field of reflection and meta-level architectures, but also seeks to bridge related developments in other fields of computer science using reflection as the binding theme. In addition to paper presentations and invited talks, time will be reserved for intensive discussions on topics ranging from conceptual foundations to practical applications. PAPER SUBMISSION Papers will be accepted on topics including, but not limited to, the following: SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Reflective operating systems Reflective middleware Concurrent and distributed systems Network management systems Embedded systems Fault-tolerant systems Mobile computing Database systems Collaborative systems Adaptive web-servers AI and knowledge-based systems Agents PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Reflective programming languages (OO, functional, parallel, distributed, etc.) Implementation techniques (open compilers, specializers, analysis, etc.) REFLECTIVE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Metaobject protocols Reflective programming methodologies and environments Aspect-Oriented Programming Adaptative software components Metamodels (UML, CORBA, etc.) Formal methods Safety and security issues FOUNDATIONAL Conceptual and theoretical foundations of reflection Reflective logics Semantics of reflective languages An original manuscript lpr-written in English, should be submitted no later than February 1, 1999 to the program chair. Electronic submissions of up to 20 pages (Postscript format following the LNCS guidelines) to are highly encouraged. An electronic mail address should be included; confirmation and all further correspondence with the program chair can be done electronically. Papers will be reviewed by the program committee; acceptance will be based on depth, quality, relevance, and scope. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will appear in the series ``Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences'' (LNCS) from Springer-Verlag. LOCATION Saint-Malo is located in Brittany, approximately 400 km west of Paris, on the Channel. Known as the corsair city, its area is truly wonderful, including the famous Mont St-Michel abbey. For more information (in French), see The congress center, le Palais du Grand Large, is located on the sea front, 200 meters away from the historical center. PRACTICAL INFORMATION- REFLECTION'99 Conference Chair: Jacques Malenfant (U. de Bretagne sud) Program Chair: Pierre Cointe (École des mines de Nantes) US Coordinator: Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) Asian Coordinator: Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) Program Committee: Gordon Blair (UK, Lancaster U.) Gilad Bracha (USA, Sun Microsystems) Vinny Cahill (IRL, Trinity College) Shigeru Chiba (J, U. of Tsukuba) Pierre Cointe (F, EMNantes) Chair Charles Consel (F, Irisa) Jean-Charles Fabre (F, Laas) Jacques Ferber (F, Lirm) Dan Friedman (USA, Indiana U.) Lee Gasser (U. of Illinois) Rachid Guerraoui (CH, EPFL) Yutuka Ishikawa (J, Tsukuba ResearchLab) Gregor Kiczales (USA, Xerox PARC) John Lamping (USA, Xerox PARC) Ole Lehrmann Madsen (DK, Aarhus U.) Jacques Malenfant (F, U. de Bretagne sud) Satoshi Matsuoka (J, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) José Meseguer (USA, SRI International) Wolfgang Pree (D, U. of Constance) Jim des Rivieres (CDN, OTI) John A. Stankovic (USA, U. of Virginia) Patrick Steyaert (B, MediaGeniX) Robert J. Stroud (UK, U. Newcastle) Carolyn Talcott (USA, Stanford U.) Yasuhiko Yokote (J, Sony Corporation) IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for submissions: February 1, 1999 Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 19, 1999 Deadline for final text: April 24, 1999 Conference: July 19--21, 1999 PAPER SUBMISSION By EMail (highly encouraged): By SMail : Reflection'99, Pierre Cointe École des mines de Nantes 4 rue Alfred Kastler La Chantrerie, B.P. 20722 44307 Nantes cedex 3, FRANCE INFORMATION Submissions: Local arrangements: (Palais du Grand Large) Web site: SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS AITO: organizer of the ECOOP series of conferences ----- \documentclass{article} \usepackage{a4} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Call for papers %% %% Reflection'99 conference %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\head{ {\bf CALL FOR PAPERS }\\[2mm] {\Large\bf Reflection'99 }\\[2mm] The Second International Conference on \\ Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection \\[3mm] {\bf Saint-Malo, France }\\ July 19--21, 1999 } \def\body{ \sect{ Objectives } Over the last 15 years, Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection have attracted the attention of researchers throughout computer science. Reflective and meta-level techniques have now matured to the point where they are being used to address real-world problems in such areas as: programming languages, operating systems, databases, distributed computing, expert systems and web-computing. \vspace{1mm} Following Reflection'96 held in San Francisco, this conference will provide an opportunity for researchers with a broad range of interests in meta-level architectures and reflective techniques to discuss recent developments in this field. It will also provide an opportunity for researchers to discuss their work with colleagues from other parts of computing. The conference aims not only at advances within the field of reflection and meta-level architectures, but also seeks to bridge related developments in other fields of computer science using reflection as the binding theme. In addition to paper presentations and invited talks, time will be reserved for intensive discussions on topics ranging from conceptual foundations to practical applications. \sect{ Paper Submission } Papers will be accepted on topics including, but not limited to, the following: \vspace{1mm} \area{ Systems and applications }\colm{\begin{itz} \item Reflective operating systems \item Reflective middleware \item Concurrent and distributed systems \item Network management systems \item Embedded systems \item Fault-tolerant systems \end{itz}}{\begin{itz} \item Mobile computing \item Database systems \item Collaborative systems \item Adaptive web-servers \item AI and knowledge-based systems \item Agents \end{itz}} \vspace{1mm} \area{ Programming languages }\begin{itz} \item Reflective programming languages (OO, functional, parallel, distributed, etc.) \item Implementation techniques (open compilers, specializers, analysis, etc.) \end{itz} \vspace{1mm} \area{ Reflective software engineering }\colm{\begin{itz} \item Metaobject protocols \item Reflective programming methodologies and environments \item Aspect-Oriented Programming \end{itz}}{\begin{itz} \item Adaptative software components \item Metamodels (UML, CORBA, etc.) \item Formal methods \item Safety and security issues \end{itz}} \vspace{1mm} \area{ Foundational }\colm{\begin{itz} \item Conceptual and theoretical foundations of reflection \end{itz}}{\begin{itz} \item Reflective logics \item Semantics of reflective languages \end{itz}} \vspace{1mm} An \textbf{original} manuscript lpr-written in English, should be submitted no later than February 1, 1999 to the program chair. Electronic submissions of up to \textbf{20 pages} (Postscript format following the LNCS guidelines) to \texttt{} are highly encouraged. An electronic mail address should be included; confirmation and all further correspondence with the program chair can be done electronically. } %\vspace{1mm} \def\subm{ Papers will be reviewed by the program committee; acceptance will be based on depth, quality, relevance, and scope. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will appear in the series ``Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences'' (LNCS) from Springer-Verlag. \sect{ Location } Saint-Malo is located in Brittany, approximately 400 km west of Paris, on the Channel. Known as the corsair city, its area is truly wonderful, including the famous Mont St-Michel abbey. For more information (in French), see {\texttt{}}. The congress center, le Palais du Grand Large, is located on the sea front, 200 meters away from the historical center. } % PRACTICAL INFORMATION \def\pract{ \inform{ {\bf Reflection'99} }{ \names{ Conference Chair: } Jacques Malenfant (U.\ de Bretagne sud) \\[1mm] \names{ Program Chair: } Pierre Cointe (\'Ecole des mines de Nantes) \\[1mm] \names{ US Coordinator: } Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC) \\[1mm] \names{ Asian Coordinator: } Satoshi Matsuoka (Tokyo Inst.\ of Tech.) \\[1mm] \names{ Program Committee: } \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}l@{}} Gordon Blair & (UK, Lancaster U.) \\ Gilad Bracha & (USA, Sun Microsystems) \\ Vinny Cahill & (IRL, Trinity College) \\ Shigeru Chiba & (J, U. of Tsukuba) \\ Pierre Cointe & (F, EMNantes) Chair \\ Charles Consel & (F, Irisa) \\ Jean-Charles Fabre & (F, Laas) \\ Jacques Ferber & (F, Lirm)\\ Dan Friedman & (USA, Indiana U.) \\ Lee Gasser & (USA, U. of Illinois) \\ Rachid Guerraoui & (CH, EPFL) \\ Yutuka Ishikawa & (J, Tsukuba ResearchLab) \\ Gregor Kiczales & (USA, Xerox PARC) \\ John Lamping & (USA, Xerox PARC) \\ Ole Lehrmann Madsen~~ & (DK, Aarhus U.) \\ Jacques Malenfant & (F, U. de Bretagne sud) \\ Satoshi Matsuoka & (J, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) \\ Jos\'e Meseguer & (USA, SRI International) \\ Wolfgang Pree & (D, U. of Constance) \\ Jim des Rivieres & (CDN, OTI) \\ John A. Stankovic & (USA, U. of Virginia) \\ Patrick Steyaert & (B, MediaGeniX) \\ Robert J. Stroud & (UK, U. Newcastle)\\ Carolyn Talcott & (USA, Stanford U.) \\ Yasuhiko Yokote & (J, Sony Corporation) \\ \end{tabular} } \inform{ IMPORTANT DATES }{\vspace{-3mm}\cent{ \info {Deadline for submissions:} {February 1, 1999} \info {Notification of acceptance/rejection:}{March 19, 1999} \info {Deadline for final text:} {April 24, 1999} \info {Conference:} {July 19--21, 1999} }} \inform{ PAPER SUBMISSION }{\noindent By \textbf{EMail (highly encouraged)}: \\[.5mm] \hspace*{5em} \texttt{} \\[1mm] By \textbf{SMail~}:~~~%\\[.5mm] Reflection'99, Pierre Cointe\\ \'Ecole des mines de Nantes\\ 4 rue Alfred Kastler\\ La Chantrerie, B.P. 20722\\ 44307 Nantes cedex 3, FRANCE } \inform{ INFORMATION }{\vspace{-3mm}\cent{ \info {Submissions:} {} \info {Local arrangements:} {Palais du Grand Large \\ \texttt{} \vspace*{2pt}} \info {Web site:} {\texttt{}} }} \inform{ SUPPORTING ORGANIZATIONS }{\vspace{-3mm}\cent{ \begin{tabular}{lp{4.5cm}} AITO: & organizer of the ECOOP series of conferences \\ %\multicolumn{2}{l}{ACM SigPlan (under negotiation)} \end{tabular} }} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The text below will format this announcement with LaTeX \pagestyle{empty} \hoffset -1in \voffset -1in \headheight 0mm \headsep 0mm \topmargin 10mm \oddsidemargin 0.75cm \textwidth19.5cm \textheight27.2cm \newcommand{\cent}[1]{\begin{center}#1\end{center}} \newcommand{\names}[1]{{\bf #1}\\[.5mm]} \newcommand{\info}[2]{{\em #1}\\{\bf #2}\\[.5mm]} \newcommand{\sect}[1]{\vspace{2mm}\par\centerline{{\bf #1}}\vspace{1mm}\par} \newcommand{\area}[1]{\par{\bf #1}\vspace{0.25mm}\par} %\newcommand{\colm}[2]{\vspace{1mm}\par~~{\col{#1}~~\col{#2}}\vspace{1mm}\par} \newcommand{\colm}[2]{\par{\col{#1}~~\col{#2}}\vspace{0.5mm}\par} \newcommand{\inform}[2]{ \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t]{65mm} % previously 60mm \vspace{1.5mm}\par \begin{center} #1 \end{center}\vspace{-3mm}\footnotesize\vspace{1mm}\par#2 \end{minipage}}\vspace{2mm} } \newenvironment{itz}{%\footnotesize \begin{list}{$\bullet$}{ \parsep=0pt\parskip=0pt\topsep=0pt\itemsep=0pt\leftmargin=1em }}{\end{list}} \newcommand{\col}[1]{ \begin{minipage}[t]{0.475\textwidth} % % \footnotesize #1 % \footnotesize\begin{itz}#1\end{itz} \end{minipage} } \begin{document} \nopagebreak \noindent \begin{minipage}[t]{65mm} % \vspace*{11mm} % \vspace*{5mm} \pract \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{123mm} {\large\sl\cent{\head}} \body \subm \end{minipage} \end{document}