Dear all, I want to create a GWindow.message_dialog with the following functionality in my GUI: If I click on a button "reset" or "run", it prompt out a message " program is running, please wait..." And it disappear after, say, 3 seconds. (I want this message here is to let the user know the program is responding, but it will take a while before getting the result. ) I am defining a function like this: let print_sim_wait str win () = let my_message = if (str="run") then "Program running, please wait ... " else "System state resetting, please wait ... " in let diag = GWindow.message_dialog ~message_type:`INFO ~buttons:GWindow.Buttons.ok ~message: my_message ~destroy_with_parent: true ~parent:win () in let res = diag#run () = `OK in diag#destroy () However, this requires the user to click on "OK" every time to close the window. Can we set a timeline, such that the window will destroy itself after a while, without requiring any action? Thanks, Angela ------------------------------------------ Dept. of CS, Rice Unitersity ------------------------------------------