Dear Moderator of the “” mailing list,


Please read through before taking your decision on the enclosed posting. I am a professor at the Lisbon New University in Portugal and I am currently serving the community as Program Chair of the QUATIC’2010 conference. I came across your mailing list in SEWORLD which I also subscribe. If your list appeared in SEWORLD that is because your members have an interest in Computer Science in general, and probably in Software Engineering, in particular. The QUATIC conference series (this is the 7th edition) is organized in association with the IEEE and deals mainly with how QUALITY is being dealt in several areas of Computer Science research. Since QUALITY is a crosscutting concern in all research areas, it is very likely that the members of the “” mailing list will enjoy receiving the enclosed call for papers.


Thank you for reading this through. I sincerely hope you authorize this posting.


Best regards




Fernando Brito e Abreu, Ph.D.

QUASAR Group Leader

Computer Science Department, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

E-mail: WWW:





The International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC) serves as a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches to ICT engineering and management. Practitioners and researchers are encouraged to exchange ideas and approaches on how to adopt a quality culture in ICT process and product improvement and to provide practical studies in varying contexts.


As in the previous edition, papers accepted at this conference will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press (Los Alamitos, California, USA). QUATIC proceedings will be indexed by the IEEE Digital Library, ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, ACM Portal, DBLP and DOI System. During the closing session of QUATIC’2010, awards will be given to the best papers presented during the meeting. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to be published in a special edition of the ASQ Software Quality Professional Journal.


We invite you to submit a paper to this conference and join us at Porto, a UNESCO World Heritage center and home of the famous Port Wine. The conference is organized on a series of tracks, each one around a specific topic. Please follow the links below to get additional information.



·          Quality in ICT Verification and Validation

·          Quality in ICT Service Management

·          ICT Process Improvement and Assessment

·          Quality Evolution in ICT

·          Standardization and Certification in ICT

·          Quality in ICT Outsourcing and Insourcing

·          Quality in Requirements Engineering

·          Quality in Model Driven Engineering

·          Quality in ICT Reengineering and Refactoring

·          Quality in Agile Methods

·          Quality in Web Engineering

·          Teaching ICT Quality


To foster the dissemination of best practices in industry, to allow a lively discussion of hot topics, to have hands-on contact with new tools, to gather around informal discussion groups (aka birds-of-a-feather) on subjects suggested by the conference participants themselves and also to allow conference sponsors to spread their message, we will have a dedicated Industrial Track, that will run in parallel with the Main Track.



Paper submissions:      11 April 2010

Authors’ notification:  5 May 2010

Camera-ready:          6 June 2010


Note: Although the submission of the abstract is not mandatory, authors will be able to get some preliminary feedback from the PC committee if their proposed contents fall outside the scope of the conference thematic tracks.



Organizing Chair - João Pascoal Faria (FEUP)

Organizing Co-Chair - Ana Paiva (FEUP)

Program Chair - Fernando Brito e Abreu (FCT/UNL)

Program Co-Chair - Miguel Goulão (FCT/UNL)

Industrial Chair - Jorge S. Coelho (SisConsult)

Publications Chair - Ricardo J. Machado (Univ. Minho)

Sponsors Chair - Raul Moreira Vidal (FEUP)

Image & Marketing Chair - João Sabbo (CS03)

Web Chair - Rafael Pires (FEUP)



Antonia Albani (Delft Univ.)

Luis Olsina (UNLPam)

Ambrosio Toval (Univ. of Murcia)

Manuel Clavel (IMDEA Software Institute)

Ademar Aguiar (FEUP)

Mário Silva (FCUL)

Alain April (Univ. du Québec)

Mark Paulk (SEI/CMU)

Alberto Silva (INESC)

Maurizio Morisio (Politec. di Torino)

Alessandro Garcia (PUC-Rio)

Mel Ó Cinnéide (Univ. College Dublin)

Ana Moreira (FCT/UNL)

Michel Wermelinger (The Open Univ.)

André Vasconcelos (INESC INOV)

Miguel Mira da Silva (IST/UTL)

Antonia Bertolino (CNR/ISTI)

Miguel Pessoa Monteiro (FCT/UNL)

Barbara Paech (Univ. Heidelberg)

Neil McBride (De Montfort Univ.)

Claudia Werner (U.F. Rio de Janeiro)

Nelly C. Fernández (Univ.Polit. Valência)

Coral Calero (U. Castilla-La Mancha)

P. Rupino da Cunha (Univ. Coimbra)

Cristina Cachero (Univ. Alicante)

Panagiotis Sfetsos (ATEI Thessaloniki)

François Coallier (ISO/IEC SC7)

Parastoo Mohagheghi (SINTEF ICT)

George Wilkie (Univ. Ulster)

Pedro Guerreiro (Univ. Algarve)

Houari Sahraoui (Univ. Montréal)

Pedro Sousa (Link)

João Araújo (FCT/UNL)

Richard Goodwin (IBM T. J. Watson)

João Miguel Fernandes (Univ. Minho)

Sasikumar Punnekkat (Univ. Mälardalen)

Jorge Audy (PUCRS)

Stephen B. Seidman (Texas State University)

Kai Jakobs (RWTH Aachen University)

Sue Carroll (SAS)

Karol Früehauf (INFOGEM)

Taz Daughtrey (James Madison Univ.)

Kival Chaves Weber (SOFTEX / PBQP)

Tor Stålhane (NTNU)

Knut Blind (TU Berlin / Erasmus University)

Vasco Amaral (FCT/UNL)