Hi, Jacques, I think that you may know what the problem is with the slow lablgl (I hope you know). My problem is that glxinfo says that I have direct rendering enabled and gears.c (not ocaml version) run really fast but the planet.ml and tennis.ml run slow. I suspect as Sven Luther suggest that it does not use the correct library for accelerated open gl. I tried ldd on lablgl but it does not use dynamic libraries so maybe I must compile lablgl myself and link with some static accelrated library? Right know I don't know how to proceed. I have installed ocaml, labgl from debian woody (no lablgtk+). Thank you Peter Rönnquist ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 18:13:05 +0100 Subject: Re: problems with compilation with lablgl. From: Sven To: peter_ronnquist@hushmail.com On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 11:59:53AM +0000, peter_ronnquist@hushmail.com wrote: > Hi, > > sorry for the late reply. I am using matrox G400 and athlon 700 mhz. I got > dri working, the gears.c (not the ocaml version) and that gives 900 fps lucky you, ... I have a bi celeron box, and DRI freeze it solid some times, so no luck ... > in a small window. The ocaml version of gears scrambles the screen and > I have to kill it from a console. Don't know, it worked for me. notice, if you use lablgtk+ lablgl, you will need to add doublebuffering to some examples, as they will not run without it. > The planet.ml and tennis.ml runs slow though and I am trying to figuring > out why. Does these examples run accelerated for you? Like said, they have a tendency to freeze my box, so i disabled DRI. here on my home box, i have not yet finished writing DRI support for my permedia3 based card. But my guess is that you are not using the accelerated libraries. What does glxinfo says to you ? Maybe there is a problem with the fact that ocaml is doing static linking, and not dynamic linking. > I will investigate if not the planet.ml draws on in the "front" buffer and > not in the "back" buffer. I saw in some mailing list that it was much slower > if you did not use the "back" buffer. Yes, using a back buffer should improve speed, but also improve fluidity of the display. Hope this help, i think writing to jacques directly about this is more advised ... Friendly, sven Luther