On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 05:23:00PM +0100, Bruno.Verlyck@inria.fr wrote: > I wouldn't want the English-only readers of the list to be unaware of > what is happening, so I won't reply in French. > > Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 13:53:30 +0100 > From: Georges Mariano > > Pensez-vous vraiment que «l'axiome» selon lequel, ne plus modérer la liste > (simplement pour obtenir un flux «continu») est inévitablement équivalent à > ouvrir les portes à tous les excès, soit un point de départ satisfaisant pour > une communauté. > > En conclusion: À partir de quand est-on «amateur éclairé» ?? > > PS: J'allais dire «combien d'euros ??», mais là, c'est (très) méchant... > > Congratulations. You win. Your very convincing (though not that > sound) arguments have made the moderator resign and the caml-list > become unmoderated (hence the new signature). We are now at least 600 > people who will have to filter the messages each one for himself. Or > unsubscribe. > > Finding the appropriate words to thank you for this extremely > productive move is beyond my knowledge of English. Please wait for a month or two, and then see how many messages you have received that you would not have received before. My guess is that they will not be that much, and typing the delete message key is not that much work also. Anyway, the list has not gone fully unmoderated, but only unmoderated for subscribed members, outside posts are still filtered. Also notice that maybe Pierre has other things to do than pass, maybe 1 or 2 hours daily ?, reading mails and filtering them ? Friendly, Svne Luther ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail caml-list-request@inria.fr. Archives: http://caml.inria.fr