--- Sven LUTHER wrote: > On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 02:30:28AM -0700, Peter > Ronnquist wrote: > > > > --- Sven LUTHER > wrote: > > > On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 11:11:50AM -0700, Chris > > > Hecker wrote: > > > > > > > > >I am looking for a way to synchronize > swapbuffers > > > with > > > > >the vertical retrace using lablg and lablgtk > or > > > labltk > > > > >for creating the window to draw the opengl > > > graphics > > > > >in. > > > > >Does anyone know if this is possible? > > > > > > > > You usually have to do this through an > extension. > > > It's a windowing system issue (or at least, > that's > > > how OpenGL thinks of it). So, on windows > there's a > > > SwapInterval extension, and I'm not sure about > X, > > > but it's probably the same. > > > > > > > > You'll need to write a thunk to the extension > in C > > > to use it, because lablgl does not support > > > extensions yet. I hope to fix this at some > point > > > soon. > > > > > > Does X not do this by himself, at least if you > use > > > hardware accelerated mesa > > > drivers (the dri version of them). Not sure > though. > > > > > > I have looked into the examples that are provided > with > > lablgl and lablgtk and comparared it with the C > > version of gears.c. You can notice a small > disruption > > in the animation gears.ml and planet.ml (when the > > planet is closer and is displayed big on the > screen). > > This is due to that the swap buffer is done when > the > > monitors ray gun is in the middle of the graphics. > > > > There are also some small and good tutorial > examples > > that uses C and glx that does not have this > problem. > > Here there is no disruption of the animation at > all. > > I can provide you with the link to this webpage > when I > > get access to the link. > > > > It seems that it is up to the library that you use > for > > handling the window for opengl. Appearantly gtk > and tk > > does not do this syncronization. > > glut, glx do this and I am almost sure that sdl do > > that as well. > > mmm, ... > > lablgl + lablgtk uses the gtkglarea library, if i am > not wrong. Did you try > the gtkglarea examples for the same thing ? > > Also what openGL lib are you using, what X server, > what OS, what graphic card > ? All of this may have an impact on the openGL > display. Also are you using > software rendreing or hardware ? try glxinfo to be > sure. > > Do you have an idea of what the C example you speak > about do that is not done > by lablgl ? > > Or maybe it is just the garbage collector quicking > in, and thus slowing the > display ? > I tried the examples under the directory GL in the lablgtk debian package, I think they use gtkglarea. I am using mesa/dri/Xfree4/linux/g400/hardwarerendering. Open gl synchs with the vertical retrace in those C tutorial examples http://nehe.gamedev.net/opengl.asp (I tried the Texture mapping example) The difference is that the C examples uses glx for the window handling, I hope that the garbage collection does not affect the synchronization. I plan to try the ocamlsdl and see if it works with that. Otherwise I think Chris is right regarding this extension for X, I don't remeber the exact name of it but it exists a syncronization extension. I am looking forward for new versions of lablgl that support this. Another way to go would be to try ocamlsdl with lablgl. BR Peter Rönnquist __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices http://auctions.yahoo.com/ ------------------- To unsubscribe, mail caml-list-request@inria.fr. Archives: http://caml.inria.fr